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To email or fridge, that is the question...


Fridges aren't just for food

Forget your latest little gadget - the fridge is the most widespread gizmo to communicate between family members. Not text, email or whatever your latest hi-tech contrivance might be – its simply good old-fashioned words scribbled on paper.

woman and fridge

I’ve never been lover of modern contraptions. I’m probably the last person in the world to have a mobile. I still don’t have a digital camera – and I was most put out a few years ago, when the company I worked for, instructed me to use a palm pilot instead of my old file-o-fax. I like to flick the pages you see. It doesn’t suffer crashes or battery failure – and I can see related articles dead easy.

Now it seems that over 70% of people claim they rely on old-fashioned notes stuck to the fridge, where it’s read SOONER than any electronic system.

Most people say the fridge is the initial place kids look for messages, while more than 50% say the method of communication is far quicker than any hand-held computer or mobile.

Electrical firm, Comet, carried out the poll. I’ll bet they were shocked, puzzled, and pissed off.

I wonder which enterprising fridge manufacturer will be the first to cash in on this, and build in a post-board or white-board?

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