Wild things
Wild and wonderful
Aren’t wild things great!
So there, we were, driving back from our local town of Benissa, on the Costa Blanca. My wife was at the wheel, navigating the winding road, headlights full blaze, when it stepped out in front of us - a wild boar no less. No wonder it's leg was poking out at an impossible angle – it had no road sense. My wife swerved, braked hard, we swore, but the wild boar didn’t budge - talk about bedlam!
We told some friends about it, they said, ‘We know the people that hit it. You should see the state of their car’ .
A herd of boar
A few months later, we came across a herd of boar, well wild pigs, a full family of them, wild, black and curly. We had to stop to let them cross the road, a queue of traffic – no rush on their behalf, no panic, no awareness of the fuss they caused – wild things huh! Don’t seem to understand about important schedules.
Close encounters
A week or so ago, I was travelling up the narrow lane to my villa – daylight this time, when lo and behold, trotting towards me, in the middle of the lane, was another boar – full regalia – bristles, curly horns, black snout – and it wasn’t about to give way to an upstart in a Renault. It didn’t even veer.
Eventually we came to be bonnet to snout, so to speak - and still it didn’t move. It stood it’s ground like a prize gladiator. I half expected to feel a thump as it charged the front grill – luckily, it didn’t. Eventually I hammered the horn and the sound must have made it inquisitive because it trotted to the side to see what the fuss was about.
Needless to say, I put my foot down and left it wondering what was going on. I’ve decided boars are best left to their own devices.
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