The Five Principles (PANCASILA)
The five principles such as:
1. Belief in the one and only GOD
This principle emphasizes belief in God. It also implies that the Indonesian people believe in life after death. It emphasizes the persuit of several values will lead the people for a better life. The principle is embodied in the 1945 Constitution and reads.
2. Just and civilized humanity
This principle requires that human being's be traveted with the regards to their dignity as God's creatures. It emphasizes that the Indonesian people do not tolerate physical or spiritual oppresion of human beings by their own people or by any other nation.
3. the Unity of Indonesia
This principle embodies the concept of nationalism of live for one's nation and motherland. It envisages the need national unity and integrity.
4. Democarcy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising of deliberations amongs representatives.
Pancasila democracy calls for desicion making through deliberations or to reach a concensus. It implies that voting is not encouraged as long as deliberations is possible. It is democracy that lives up to the principles of Pancasila.
5. Social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia
The principle calls for the equitable spread of welfare for the entire population, not in static but in dynamic and progressive way . This means that all of the country's natural resources and the national potentials should be utilized for the greatest possible good and hapiness of the people. Social justice implies protection to the weak. But protection should not deny them work. On the contrary , they should work according to their abilities and field of activity. Protection should prevent willful treatment by the strong and ensure the rule of justice.