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Reflections On the Inauguration

Four years ago I posted a blog entry here on Redgage .  I made a number of predictions about what might happen after January 20, 2009.  Ironically my old blog post was again featured on Redgage in 2013.  Here are my reflections on this most recent ceremony.

  • The crowd was a bit smaller than before, but still almost a million people came together at the Capital and on the Mall.  Their experiences were probably similar, though less intense for some.  A number of people reported that they were there because they were unable to be there the first time the President was inaugurated.  Security was remarkably huge at both occasions.
  • The very Progressive speech was absolutely unexpected.  We Progressives were pleasantly surprised by its specificity and range.  President Obama will not try as hard to find common ground with Republicans.  He has learned that lesson.  If they are smart they will look for ideas and changes that are very much in their interest, such as immigration.  Protecting the planet in the face of man-made climate change is in the interest of all of us.  Let us hope that they understand this before their childrens' futures have been permanently compromised.
  • Republican participation in 2013 was again grudging and fairly minimal.  Many "just couldn't make it" because they were out of town.  The Loyal Opposition/Republicans were not thrilled, and will, unfortunately, maintain their DIS-loyal opposition as they did for the previous four years. 

Progressives were thrilled the first time that we elected the first African-American president.  And we are thrilled at his reelection.  Our expectations are profoundly lessened this time, however, because the opposition party has forgotten how good governance works.  Unfortunately, too many only remember opposition.  The nation truly needs a healthy Republican party.  They cannot start to relearn how to be this way too soon.

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