Article : Health by Tomatoes
Introduction :
This fruit, and yes it is a fruit, not a vegetable as many think and say (you will have the slightly lower information in this article in the Association section) is very consumed and has almost all the vitamins, trace elements and salts minerals.
The body needs certain elements (Lycopene) which are known to be anti-cancer.
This fruit comes from Peru, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and not Mexico.
His first name is tomalt. In France in the past, it was called the love apple and golden apple.
This result deserves a whole book on natural and / or hybrids varieties and the inherent gardening which can be found on Amazon without problem in any language.
I have personally worked two summers with a producer of old and organic tomatoes varieties. He produced 15 different varieties on one hectare. I will discuss the topic in the variety section.
More than a thousand varieties, tomato is sensitive to cold and love the heat. Do not confuse the heat and sun! If it is hot and there is no sun, then the tomato will grow!
To push ideally the temperature should be 15 ° C and 25 ° C.
It is sensitive to frost and can not stand temperatures below 2 ° C. It loves the sun (sun-loving), it needs an average humidity.
It takes up to five to six months between planting and the first harvest.
The length of the day is also important. Tomato will grow better and faster in June and July (day length from 17 to 18h) in September, when day length decreases (duration of less than 12 days).
The people and country which is the largest consumer in the world of tomatoes are Greeks.
2007 :
2010 :
I - What is the nutritional composition?
Calories : 15
Carbohydrates : 2.8 - 3.9 g
Proteins : 0.9 - 1 g
Fat : 0.2 g
Water : 93 - 95 g
Fibers : 0.9 - 1.4 g
Potassium : 240 - 290 mg
Magnésium : 10 - 11 mg
Calcium : 9 mg
Iron : 0.4 mg
Phosphore : - mg
Selenium : - mg
Sodium : 3 mg
Sulfur : - mg
Zinc : 0.2 mg
Vitamin A (Beta-carotene) : 0.2 - 0.8 mg
Vitamin B : All
Vitamin C : 10 - 30 mg
Vitamin E : 0.5 mg
Vitamin K : 7.9 μg
II - Nutrition Explanations:
Its low calorie content, the tomato is low in energy, it is very rich in water, it is both sweet and tangy at the same time.
It is extremely rich in minerals which noted that when there are 100 calories of tomatoes, ie 600g of tomatoes juice by, we get magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc in considerable proportions that are highly recommended for children, pregnant women, anxiety disorders.
Eat organic tomatoes for its juice.
Tomato contains the three best anti-oxidants which are Vitamin C, carotene and vitamin E.
Fibers are contained in the skins and seeds. For irritating intestines, it can remove the skin by putting 1 minute in boiling water or choose non-acidic tomatoes. see below in the varieties.
The acidity comes from Carbohydrates of tomatoes, so if they are removed, the juice becomes alkaline.
fifteen varieties of tomatoes where I worked!
III - Associations:
Cuncumber, raddishes, beetroots and all vegetables
Why tomato is a fruit ?
Because Tomato grows on a tree that can do more than 4 meters in height. That is told scientifically that the plant can grow indefinitely
Use herbs such as basil, parsley, tarragon, coriander
IV - How to choose an tomato ?
- Never touch this fruit, especially old/special tomatoes !
- Take the tomatoes by the stem.
- Observe if the tomatoes have hairs on the skin! This means that they are organic and they were not frozen !
- For me, the pouty/mol tomatoes are the best !
V - The varieties of tomato :
Colors : white, yellow, black, orange, pink, red, green, violet, purple, zebra.étés.JPG
Form : elongated, cherry, hybrid cherry, cocktail, heart-shaped, ribbed, cluster, large, oblong, small, very big
VI - Recipe :
Do not prepare the tomatoes in advance because it loses all its vitamins.
Forthcoming ...
VII - Source Books :
I'm helping myself by reading/consulting those books writing in french (sorry!)
- Dictionnaire de diététique et de nutrition de Dr Pierre Dukan
- La santé par les fruits et légumes de Véronique Liégeois
- Se soigner par les légumes, les fruits et les céréales du Dr Jean Valnet
- L'abécédaire des fruits et des légumes de Raymond Dextreit
- Votre Santé par les jus frais de légumes et de fruits Dr Walker
Table of content / Table des matières : ICI
That's all
Have a nice day
The Best for you !
NOTE : Photo(s) and content are original and may not be used without permission, Christophe Leroy (cleroy61) - Copyright 2013 - All rights reserved.