RedGage platform review and explanations - How does RedGage work ?

Creation of this article, August 01st, 2017
Update of this article, September 12th 2017 - version 22.80
Version française de cet article - French article : ICI
Below, quick review and explanations about How does RedGage work :
I - How can I register on RedGage, please ?
You can start RedGage by signin up if you already know it : HERE (Registration is FREE). Read the Terms of Service before starting : HERE.
II - What is RedGage?
RedGage, It's here where I'm writing ! Using is FREE. Upload your own content only like photos, videos, articles, links and start to make money by using only social media. RedGage is a first-of-its-kind, a hub where you can make money for all the works that you have already done on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blogger, Flickr. RedGage pays based on the value of your content, measured by page views/popularity from the social media traffic only.
VERY IMPORTANTE NOTE : If you are trying to earn money on RedGage by purchasing advertising, your RedGage account will be deleted !
III - More explanations please ?
Once you have signed up, you can upload your contents into 4 ways at the top of the website by clicking on the "Upload" button which appears 4 rectangles :
- Blogs (writing articles, reviews, investigation, ...)
- Photos (Picts, images, draws, paints, ...)
- Videos (youtube, dailymotion, vimeo, ...)
- Links (you like a link, post it, earn money)
RedGage, shares its incomes with their members with the CPM technology (Click Per Mil). From my personal experience, You will get paid around $0.6-$1 per 1 000 views (Results are not Typical).
RedGage pays you into in single location by creating you own content like blog post, Articles, Photos or all kind of pictures, Vidéos, Links. You can manage them as you want and sharing them into the others social media like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, Linkedin, ... and so on.
Why should you keep on using multiple sites to manage your content when you can put it all in one place, AND you should be rewarded for getting paid ?
BE CAREFUL : I repeat, you must upload only your own content otherwise your account will be banned due to the copyrights.
IV - How can I use it, please ?
RedGage offers you several links into the dashboard to manage your own work.
A - I highly advice you to fill your profile into the dropdown menu : Pseudo > Account Settings at the top right. Into this new area, you have 5 links on the left :
- Account,
- Edit Profile,
- Notifications,
- Integrations,
- Subscription,
Into Account section, you have 3 parts like :
- Basic information (email, password),
- Account security (Secure enable),
- Mailing address (Full name, Address, City, State/province, ZIP Code, Country, Phone),
Into the Edit Profile section, you have 10 parts :
- Name,
- Location (Where you live),
- About me (Little desciption of yourself),
- Your picture,
- Your 5 favorites links of your choice (Promote you social media links, blogs, e-commerce),
- Rectangle (Keep earnings private, Disable friend requests, Disable wall posts, Default profile tab - You can choose : 1 - News feed, 2 - Content, 3 - Wall Posts),
- Education (School, Graduation Date, Degree),
- Work (Profession, Employer),
- Views (Political Affiliation, Religion views),
- Favorites (Music, Literature, Movies, Television, ),
- Contact (Public email, public phone),
Into the Notifications section, you have 11 box to activate or not :
- Someone favorites my content,
- Someone leaves a comment on my content,
- I receive a friend request,
- Someone approves my friendship request,
- Someone subscribes to my feed,
- Someone posts on my wall,
- Someone replies to my wall post or comment,
- I have a new mention notification,
- Notify me when : I'm mentioned by friends,
- Notify me when : I'm mentioned by my subscribers,
- Notify me when : I'm mentioned by anyone else,
Into the Integration section, you have 8 choices :
- Twitter,
- Youtube,
- Tumblr,
- Google+,
- Blogger,
- Wordpress,
- Flickr,
- Vimeo,
Into the Subscription section, you have RedGage Subscription Payment Method:
- Name on Card,
- Card Number,
- Security Code,
- Expiration month,
- Expiration Year,
You will receive a RedGage credit card.
B - Into the dropdown menu : Pseudo > Edit Friends :
Into this new area, you have 4 links on the left :
- Friends (3 tabs : Friends number, Requests number, New Friend number),
- Subscriptions (2 tabs : Subscriptions, Featured - choose your theme in the dropdown menu : Arts & Design , Business, Entertainments, Family, Fashion, Food & Drink, Health & Fitness, Music, Nature, News & Politics, Sciences & Technology, Sports, Travel)
- Subscribers (2 tabs : Subscribers number, New Subscribers number),
- Mentions (1 tab : Mentions),
C - Into the dropdown menu : Pseudo > Manage Content :
All your content is here and you can watch the :
- Publication date,
- Views number,
- Earnings,
- Thumbs up number,
On the left, you can classify by :
- Blogs,
- Photos,
- Videos,
- Links,
- It's in this part, there is your Collections that you have created to classify your work by theme. You can creat NEW Collection with the Red button. Once you have clicked, there 3 parts to fill : 1 - The Title (140 characters), 2 - The Description (255 characters), 3 - The tags (10 max.)
- There is red heart icon which is all work as my Favorites.
D - Into the dropdown menu : Pseudo > Money Balance :
It's into this part, Account Activities link on the left, that you can see the Estimate Earnings Rate and Estimate Earnings by Blog, Photos, Videos, Links (Views, Rate, Earnings, Total).
On the left, you have a Balance link : in this part, you will see the monthly earnings, your bonus rewards ($1 to $5) about Blog, Photos, Videos, Links, $25 article's reward, your withdrawals.
E - Into the dropdown menu : Pseudo > Profile :
In this part, it's a new dashboard of your activities.
You have your picture (Avatar) and if you have set your links (Account Settings > Profile), you can see them by passing your mouse on your picture. Beside your picture, You will see your first name and last name, your pseudo, your location, your description and More infos link. Below this, there is the Lastest Status that you have entered (I will come back on this feature later). You have uploads number, your Friends, your Subscribers. Below, you have 3 tabs :
- News Feed (your activities on RedGage),
- Content (All your works, your Collections),
- Wall posts (People can join you by writing you in this section),
On the right the Edit Profile button. Below, You have the RedGage Earnings of all your works. Below, there are the Subscriptions, Subscribers, Friends tabs. And below these 3 tabs, your Favorites.
The Dashboard link beside the notifications in red and beside the pseudo is at the top of the website. Here, you can add a status about you and your work that you have done for getting traffic by clicking on Update Status red button. I suggest you that you could changed it frequently.
Beside my Pink Tulip Avatar, mine is - Latest Status : ► Make money for Free with a new social media :
Below, you have the News Feed of all your Friends, Subscribers activities. On the left you have a dropdown menu Filter :
- by Content : Blog, Photos, Videos, Links, Collections,
- by Activities : Status Updates, Friends, Subscriptions, Favorites,
- by Friend News,
- by Subscription News,
- by Tags Subscriptions,
V - How can I upload my content ?
Beside the Dashboard link, there is the Upload link with several 5 little icons. Click on it and a new dashboard will appear :
You will see 4 rectangles (Blog, Photo, Video, Link) that you can click on them. Once you have done it, you must fill out your content well :
- Blog : Title (140 characters), Blog Post and Source for editing your HTML code, Description (255), Tags(10), Broadcast icon, Add to Collections or Create New Collection, → Upload button,
- Photo : Title (140 characters), Pick a photo button from your computer (jpg, png, gif, bmp and 10MB Max.), Description (255), Tags (10), Broadcast icon, Add to Collections or Create New Collection, → Upload button,
- Video : Title (140 characters), Pick a photo button from your computer (avi, mov, mp4, bmp and 100MB Max. and 10 Minutes), Description (255), Tags (10), Broadcast icon, Add to Collections or Create New Collection, → Upload button,
- Link : Title (140 characters), Insert an URL, Choose a thumbnail button from your computer, Description (255), Tags (10), Broadcast icon, Add to Collections or Create New Collection, → Upload button,
RedGage's Note : Please don’t upload any content unless it consists entirely of content you created yourself.
VI - What kind of strategies can I use to earn more money, please ?
I have written a separate article : HERE
VII - RedGage Mobile :
Download for Android or iPhone : HERE
VIII - RedGage on Social Media :
IX - More Help :
Questions / Answers : HERE
- Joining RedGage (Sign up, Password Reset),
- Making Money (How it works, Withdrawing funds, Earning rate, RedGage card, RedGage virtual card, Taxes, Fraud),
- Content (Upload, Edit/Remove, Requirements, Copyrights, Ownership, Collections, Featured),
- Friends (Subscription vs Friends),
- Settings (Edit Profile, Notification Settings, Account Removal, Change Username),
- Contact Support for your specific personal issue.
X - Pros and Cons :
Pros :
- Blog, pictures, videos, Links,
- Share you own work by writing articles, posting photos, Videos and links,
- Get Paid for sharing your content,
- Sharing your content only from the social media,
- New concept with CPM Technology,
- Existing since 2008,
- Huge earnings if you have high quality content,
- Many successfull stories,
- Easy to use,
- Content Rewards,
- Unlimited uploads,
- Unlimited earnings,
- Visa Credit Card for withdrawals,
- Automatic import from your other social media,
Cons :
- Little earnings if you don't understand how does RedGage work,
- Work hard,
- Great effort and energy,
- Don't use Advertising platform for getting traffic,
- Redgage had upgraded their back-end server in the May 26th 2013, but they haven’t fully succeeded their data migration. Since December 15th, 2015, the website's user interface works better and faster but no more news from the support or on the RedGage facebook fanpage,
If you have all details here to start making money :
► You can sign up on RedGage now : HERE
ATTENTION : (Since the May 26th, 2013, RedGage website works randomly, but I always trust him and their engineers/developpers) - Update : December 15th 2015 : Redgage website allows to edit your files ; it is a very big improvement! So, you can register, however, the financial data which increment are frozen at the moment but saved. Update : August 01st, 2017 : I have seen some improvements like green and red thumbs and loading files is much faster.
Table of content / Table des matières : HERE
→ How can I sign up into RedGage : HERE
→ What is the RedGage platform : HERE
→ How can I use RedGage to earn more money :HERE
NOTE + : All calculations of examples of losses or profits are estimates only that you can earn and are in no way to be considered as guarantees. Your success or failure depends entirely on your commitment, understanding, and intellectual and financial capacity.
NOTE ++ : All third party products, trademarks or trademarks are the exclusive property of their respective owners. No affiliation or approval is intended or implied.