Myths about finding an Ontario job online
There are a lot of misconceptions about doing an online Ontario job search. There is a lot of extra information floating around the web. Most people hear a few things here and there and assume the rest. They are perfectly willing to spread these assumptions. As a result, there a quite a few myths out there revolving around using job search engines. This article will debunk a few of those myths.
? Myth: If I register at too many online job boards I will be swamped with job offers.
Fact: When it comes to job hunting more is always better. Even if you were to register and post a resume to every job site on the internet it is still unlikely that employers will start busting down your door. Generally, you have to apply to a job to even be considered. This myth is based in wishful thinking but is simply not so.
? Myth: If I change jobs in Ottawa , even just a few times, employers will not want to hire me.
Fact: Employers do take into account how often you change jobs. However, they will give you a chance to explain yourself. They understand that your ultimate goal is to progress in your career and if a job is holding you back then many employers may respect someone who just goes for it. Just make sure you explain to your new employer that you gave your old employer a chance. And, especially important, do not talk badly about your previous employer; instead tell the interviewer that you both agreed to end your employment amicably. Remember, you are goal oriented and determined to move forward which are great reasons to change jobs in Mississauga . Just don’t hop jobs multiple times a year and you will be fine.
? Myth: I don’t really need a cover letter.
Fact: A cover letter is your introduction to the employer. It is a place to highlight your skills and display your writing ability. It is the first thing an employer sees and not having one would be like showing up to the interview without a shirt on. Your resume is a place to list your skills and experience and the cover letter is where you stand out from the crowd.
? Myth: If I apply to a position I will defiantly get an interview.
Fact: Sadly getting an interview is not that easy. Hiring managers receive hundreds of applications every day. The first time through they may not even read your cover letter. They will sort out as many resumes as they can on simple technicalities. This means you must be persistent. A follow up call can make your name stick in the hiring manager’s mind and increase the chances of him choosing you for an interview.