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Red ripe tomatoes

I love tomatoes in sandwich and fried green tomattoes or red tomatoes but I don't like tomatoes that are not ripe because it has a sour taste to them. I can't eat to many tonatoes all the time because I'll break out. Looking for a good ripe tomatoes are hard to fiind anymore. Most farmers use chemicals on their tomatoes plants to keep the bugs away. 

When my husband and I went to do our grocery shopping, we happen to come across some red juicy ripe tomatoes so we bought all they had there. Now tomatoes if not eaten or used in a few days they go rotten quickly. Need to store tomatoes in a room tempture at least. 

My husband makes his own tomatoe sauce or tomatoe ketchup which I don't care for tamato sauce much for the simple fact it causes me to have heartburn. The organic tomatoes are nice and red ripe but Whoosh, they are expensice for my pocket book. I remember that grammy Elsie loved to make tomato jelly for she would have so many tomatoes that she would plant and a lot of her tomatoes would fall on the ground and just rot away. What a wasteful way to waste food when there are so many people in other countries that are going hungry. I try not to waste any kinds of food, try to find a healthy productive way to use the extra vegetables or other produce or any kind of food. My left overs if they were not to old, I would offer my left over foods to our neighbor who lives on a tight fix income.

Tomatoes, tomatoes, potaoes, I use to grow my own garden but since my husband and I had to down size because of living also on a tight budget it makes it hard to buy the plants when you can go to the store and but them cheaper than buy the garden stuff, tomatoe plants, soil, and other means to help plants to grow healthy. However, I do enjoy growing house plants for it brings your home alive and brings some character in your home.

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