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The Summer Home (Part One)

By the last week of fourth grade at Altmont Elementary, Katie was ready for summer break. She had put it in her heart that this was going to be the best summer ever. She already had many phone numbers of the girls in her class and with the yearbook her mother let her buy she had even more.

Girl Rollerskating

Plans were made to go rollerskating and to summer birthday parties and have sleepovers. She even got invited to Eva John's Fourth of July party, and Eva was a 6th grader in middle school and her legend lived on in Altmont Elementary as the coolest kid ever.

On the way home from school that last day, Katie already had plans to start making plans for the summer. Calling her best friend Jenna was high on her priority list. She would ask her Mom if Jenna could sleep over that very night and if they could go skating at the roller rink the next day. Katie got off the bus and ran home as fast as she could. Her Dad stood in the kitchen as she walked in. This was odd because usually Dad was at work right about now.

"Where's Mom?" she inquired.

"Laying Down" her Dad replied. "Let her rest. She's not feeling real good right now Katie."

Katied looked around for her seemingly absent little brothers, "Where are Kevin and Mike?"

"They are napping right now too. Mom and I were late getting back from the doctor's appointment so the boys were late getting their nap." He replied.

She hadn't forgotten that she needed to call Jenna. "I need to use the phone," she quickly announced.

"You may in a little bit," He redirected as he pointed toward the kitchen table, then sighed, "Look Katie, why don't you come sit down so we can talk."

Celery and Peanut Butter

He brought a plate over of celery with peanut butter and granola which was one of Katie's favorite snacks. She sat down and her father got her a class of juice. He sat down and started to explain.

"Your mother went to the doctor today. And she can't be on her feet right now. Actually, for a little while, she has to stay in bed. And that means she can't be up taking care of you and the boys.  And I have to work. So for the summer, you and your brothers are going to stay with Grandma Rose."

Katie was shocked. "What's wrong with Mom?"

"Mom has to be on bed rest, which means she won't be able to take care of you so you and your brothers need to go to Grandma's house."

"But, Grandma lives far away." she protested as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Aw come on now, Katie, you love Grandma Rose." he said gently.

"Yes, but it is summertime. I want to see my friends. I don't want to be bored this year. I want this to be the best summer ever." She pled. "Please Dad, why can't Grandma Rose come here?"

"Because Grandma Rose has her own house and she's already agreed to have you over there." He affirmed as it was all settled.

"For the whole summer?" she asked totally beside herself.

"Yes, for the whole summer." He paused seeing that she was visibly upset. "Katie, right now we need to think of your Mom. She needs this time to get well. And Grandma Rose is Great...I can't think of a better person to get to stay with."

Grandma pic from photobucket

She didn't answer. Katie was so upset with the news of leaving that she also didn't finish her snack. Her plans for a fun summer were ruined. She loved her Mom and wanted her well...and she loved her Grandma Rose...but this was some freaky nightmare that she didn't want to be living.

"Dad?" she asked clearing her throat.

"Yes Katie?" he answered.

"May I please make that phone call now?" she asked.

"Of course you may." He smile softly, knowing it had changed things.

"I need to go call Jenna."

She called Jenna and gave her the awful news. Jenna went as far as to ask her mom if Katie could stay with them for the whole summer, but Jenna's mom said no. Katie was hopeful for a few moments there that Jenna's mom might agree, but she also knew it was a long shot.

suitcase from photobucket

About 20 minutes into the conversation, her Dad knocked on her bedroom door and asked her to get off the phone. Then he brought in a suitcase and told her she needed to start packing. He offered to help her, but Katie shook her head no.

He turned to leave and said, "If you need me I'll be getting the boys up from their nap and getting them packed too." Katie couldn't control her sobs and she no longer tried to contain them.

She hardly slept a wink that night. And she wished she had when her Dad came in and woke her up way too early the next morning. She wasn't real hungry for breakfast either. Her Dad kept saying corny things to try to cheer her up, and it just wasn't helping. This whole time, she hadn't seen her mother. She was told her mother couldn't be bothered and that she needed to rest. Her mother...the one person who single handedly ruined her entire summer...wasn't around to explain any of this.

To be continuted...

*All pictures are from Photobucket general search*

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