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SOBE The Drink

This month I went to the grocery store/Walmart and was buyin grocery's for 2 weeks. Anyways we went down the ile that had energy drinks and such and I don't drink any of those. Anyways next to them were the health drinks from Arizona drinks, water, Sobe and a couple others. Well the Sobe got my attention with the flavors they had... Pina Colada, Strawberry Daquari, Green Tea, & Citrus now they all have there own names like the one we got was called Lizard Anyways we figured we try a couple and see how they are... we both got the daiquiri ones and came home got them nice and cold... And OMG they are so awesome and really taste like strawberry daquari without the alcohol in it. We only bought 2 to make sure we liked them and they were $1.00 each... so there not real cheap and they didn't sell them in a case either which sucks. Its weird though I normally hate healthy stuff cuz its usually an acquired taste that i can never get used to... well in this case I could so get used to drinkin these and they give me the nutrients I need. The ingredients are below of all the healthy stuff inside. Take it from me if you haven't tried them yet go get u one and taste it, it just may make u a believer in healthy stuff as well... and it does give u the energy too.


Filtered Water
Skim Milk
Sweet Potato Juice Extract
Grape Juice Concentrate
Carrot Juice Concentrate
Aloe vera hibiscus leaf extract
strawberry juice concentrate

there are other stuff but those are the main ingredients in it... Heres the pic below hope u try it...


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