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The Man on The Moon

The man on the moon is a lonely soul he just looks down upon the earth and wonders how it would be like to touch the the ocean and feel the sea breeze gently flow through his hair. But, it will never be since he is the man on the moon.

Then he wonders what it would be like to wonder through the forests of the earth and see deer, bears, and watch the birds nest high up in the trees. But, it will never be since he is the man on the moon.

As his mind wonders he imagined what it would be like to ski down on of the many mountain slops and feel the chill of winters nip on his nose as he makes his way down the mountain and then lays his body down on the snowy ground to feel its icy touch. But, it will never be since he is the man on the moon.

Always tethered in an heavenly marriage with the earth, so close but yet so far. So, it will never be, since he is the man on the moon.

But, he mussiest forget that the earth looks upon the moon and admires it for the solitude and serene demeanor that it only has in finite amounts, but the moon has in abundance. For he is the man on the moon.

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