Wil Wheaton Speaks Out Against Bullying
If you are a "Star Trek: The Next Generation" fan then you will definitely remember Will Wheaton as Wesley Crusher, Dr. Crusher's son. And if you are an even bigger Wil Wheaton fan then you will remember him as the character Fawkes in the web series "The Guild". He has also done some guest spots on shows such as "Leverage" and "The Big Bang Theory".
But unlike many actors who don the thick glasses, and suspenders, Wil Wheaton is a true nerd, and proud of it. During his childhood he has learned how to constructively deal with it, and in the video below he helps to give some valuable advice to a female attendee of a Comic Con convention.
Its not easy dealing with people that make fun of you for liking science shows, or anything related to science, and math in general, but as Wil points out in the video, the bullying is not really a reflection of you, its more of a reflection of the person doing the bullying.
The family of the girl that asked the question were very appreciative of Wil taking the time out to answer the question so beautifully, and this has given the girl the courage to not only deal with someone who was bullying her, but to also stand up for someone else that she saw being bullied.
Check out this cool video!
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