Characteristics of Wise Leaders
Leadership attitude is trained and acquired not made overnight, especially when you want to become a wise leader.
- A Wise Leader states his point very clearly without repeating it, nor does he try to prove it, otherwise it will create an argument and it will lose its strength and purpose.
- A Wise Leader avoids quarreling, regardless of the issues involved, knowing that through quarreling, the truth is always lost and the issues never be resolved, but rather become more complicated.
- A Wise Leader knows that one of the greatest tricks of Satan is to make us think that we are further in God than we really are and saves himself from this deception by proper estimation which only comes from The Spirit.
- A Wise Leader ’s criticism is usually done with extreme carefulness, right motives and a sweet attitude using wise choice of clear words with a revelation of the wrong done and the answer to remedy the situation, thus it is constructive.
- A Wise Leader evaluates the aggression levels of his opponents as well as there strengths and proceeds carefully and wisely after his discovery.
- A Wise Leader is generous with his aid in counseling in every way due to being a loving and big-hearted person.
- Concerned Leaders are torn between choosing guilt when slowing down and choosing stress when they over-do it. Only the wise among them finds the balance and safety he needs.
- A Wise Leader must be a man who is knowledgeable and endowed with divine wisdom to be able to lead others into the purpose of God.
- A Wise Leader always encourages feedback from his subordinates and takes such with great concern and proper evaluation with appreciation. Such contributions can be most valuable in its substance and for substantial savings for all.
- Blessed is the Leader whose wisdom helps him to meditate/mediate the feud between the moderates and hard-liners without being affected by either side, for he shall prosper along the way.
- A Wise Leader would not violate the rules of just reasoning for selfish gain; otherwise it would be an indictment against his intelligence.
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