When Kevin smiles.....
When Kevin smiles….
We all have friends that touch our hearts in a very special way. Some friends love us the way we are unconditionally. Others are always there to lend an ear and mend our hearts when they are hurting. Then, there are friends like Kevin. True to their words and their smiles brighten our days.
One such friend of mine is like all of the above. He has known me since I was a little girl. His name is Kevin Warren, and when he smiles at me, my heart smiles as well. Always supportive of me in all my adventures in life. Somehow he has always managed to stay connected with me in some way over the years. I talk to him everyday on Facebook and he always makes me laugh.
Remembering always, childhood things that we shared together. Whether it be at church or other functions. His smile always brightens my day. He just has one of those smiles, that when he looks your way, the whole room lights up. It is a true smile, a smile that comes from his heart.
Today is his birthday and I wanted to find a way to thank him for his smile over the years. It is a milestone birthday. Today, he turns 50 and he looks great. Still smiling and still touching the hearts of all who know and love him.
You know a smile can mean many things in life. Smiles should be freely given and received. You never know when a heart is hurting. So, smile at someone each day and when you get a chance….say something nice as well.
I have been blessed to have such a good friend. On this special day, I just want to wish my friend a big Happy Birthday!!!! For, when Kevin smiles….everyone smiles with him