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how to make couscousin morrocan way

What is Couscous ?

Couscous is a dish typical Berber, popular in many countries. Couscous means spherical granules obtained by agglomeration of hard wheat semolina they may be fine, medium or large.

There is also the couscous made with barley that Berbers call and timzine badez (a kind of cornmeal). It is a flat reference to North Africa.

Originally, the flat base in North Africa consisted of the combination of couscous (grain) and chick peas (legumes), but without meat, legume playing this role.

Today, couscous is usually served with meat and vegetable stew. It can also be eaten alone, flavored or plain, hot or cold as a dessert or side dish.

Traditional Moroccan Couscous

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Other way to cooking Moroccan couscous step-by-step

Cooking couscous

  • Ingredients (for 8-10 persons):
  • Preparation: 1 Hour
  • Cooking Time: 1 Hour

- 1 kg of rolled couscous

- 1 kg mutton

- A handful of chickpeas

- 2 dry onions

- 3-4 fresh tomatoes or 1 tsp. tablespoons tomato paste

- 3-4 potatoes

- 3-4 turnips

- 3-4 carrots

- 3-4 zucchini

- 1 slice of pumpkin

- 4 tablespoons oil

- 1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon

- 1 pinch black pepper

- 1 / 2 tablespoon sweet red pepper or paprika

- 1 / 2 tablespoon ras el hanout (a mixture of ground spices)

- A dry red chilli

- 100g butter and 3 tablespoons oil

- Salt



Cooking Couscous Preparation:

The day before, put the chickpeas in a bowl of water.

The same day, roll the couscous . If you use rolled couscous

and dried, rinse with cold water, drain and let it swell

for 30 minutes.

Cut the meat into pieces. Peel onions and cut into 1


Wash the tomatoes and continue roping. Put meat

in a pot and add onion slices, tomatoes or

tomato paste diluted in a glass of water, oil, pepper,

pepper, cinnamon and salt.

Sauté over low heat for several minutes. Wet 3

liters of water, bring to boil and throw in chickpeas


Put the couscous in the couscous pot and place it on top of the pot containing the boiling broth.

After escape of steam through the grains, cook 15-20 minutes. Remove the top of the couscous (leave the pot on fire) Pour the couscous into a bowl.

Separate grains with a spoon, then sprinkle with 1 / 3 of liter of cold water and aerating the same time. Let imbibe.

Meanwhile, peel potatoes and turnips

carrots. Wash them and cut them into quarters. Throw them with chili in the pot. Cut the second onion into pieces and mash it with ras el hanout. Tilt the mortar to collect all the juice.

Put the couscous in the top of the couscous and replace

last on the pot. After escaping steam, bake for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and repeat the No. 6, basting this time to one third of a liter of salt water and a little juice of ras-el -hanout (pour the rest into the pot) . Ventilate the couscous and let it soak.

Meanwhile, peel the zucchini and squash. Wash and

cut them into pieces. Add them in the pot (if the amount of

soup seems a little low, add hot water and bring to boiling) .

Return the couscous to cook for another 15 minutes after exhaust

steam. Then remove it, put it in the bowl, add the

butter, sprinkle with 2 ladles of sauce and mix. When the meat and vegetables are cooked, remove from the heat.

Make the couscous in a domed dish, arrange the meat and

vegetables on top, drizzle with sauce until the couscous does

can absorb more. Pour remaining broth into a gravy boat

and serve.

Couscous recipe - fish recipe

Couscous With White fish And Prawns


1 kg of couscous

750 g white fish monkfish

400 g prawns

300 g chopped onions

1 teaspoon butter rancid

250 g chickpeas

1 cup salad oil

2 tomatoes, chopped

1 tablespoon ginger

1 cube of fish stock

1 teaspoon turmeric

salt and pepper to taste


Preparation of couscous with fish and The shrimp:

To prepare the couscous recipe with fish and The shrimp, place the diced onions in a pot, tomatoes, then all the listed ingredients, Bake for 10 minutes.

Add 1.5 L of water and chickpeas. Cook for 30 minutes.


Preparation Of Couscous:

In a bowl, put the couscous and oil. Work with fingers to absorb oil, basting with a little water. Place couscous in a spray for 5 minutes.

Pour back into the pot. Work with your fingers, sprinkle with a little water and salt. Give to spray a second time for 5 minutes.

Repeat the process and deliver to spray for 10 minutes.

Serve couscous drizzled with the sauce and decorated with fish and shrimp.

Moroccan Couscous Photos

Couscous of morocco
Couscous of morocco

The World's Biggest Couscous


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