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Lose Weight with Zumba

Zumba your weight away

Hello there to all of us who are desperately trying to lose weight.

This is my personal story - I was overweight for a lifetime, about a year ago, I decided, that's it, I have to lose weight for my own good, I am young and already had problems with high blood pressure , high cholesterol and so on. If I would continue God knows what else would happen, my biggest motivation is my daughter, I don't want her to lose her mum, so I decided I have to lose weight.

Zumba Exhilarate Preview

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This is my story

I will be honest with you, I have tried drastic diets and never worked, until I had enough and I started by joining a website that I randomly found online, while searching on Google for another way to lose weight. I didn't want to spend money. Best of all, this website is free, it offered me fitness tracker , food tracker, weight tracker, free advice, free exercise videos, motivation and real facts about real people. And one particular person stayed in my mind. I won't name her or say anything about her weight, I just want to share her story. She was so fat and so big and so sick that she wasn't able to walk anymore, the doctors didn't give her any chances of recovery, she had knees operations and she was in a wheelchair, not able to walk, not able to enjoy her life. This was a tough and long journey, but she did it, thanks to this website. She started by looking for exercises to do whilst sitting. She did those exercises every single day, she changed her diet, her lifestyle thanks to the website. And now, after a few years of struggle, she DID IT. After years of doctors telling her she won't be able to walk anymore, she went to see them, but not in a wheelchair, she is walking again, the doctors were so surprised and the only thing they could offer was to congratulate her. This was what motivated me to start doing it. So I started as well, let me tell you this is totally FREE and is the best weight loss website from America ( in my opinion), totally free: sparkpeople , I will always refer them.

I am not so much into exercise, but I realized when you start doing it, you can't stop, you just crave for it. I used to feel so tired, but now I feel tired when I am not exercising. This is how I discovered Zumba- a way of having fun whilst losing weight. SparkPeople is a huge community, where you can feel like home. When I discovered Zumba, it was quiet expensive, I couldn't afford to buy it.

Incubationer LTD

I will go back to the website- I was so thrilled about SparkPeople that I couldn't keep it for myself. I told my partner about it, but he wouldn't believe that there is such a website out there that can actually help you lose weight for free. He was laughing and laughing. Anyways I told him I discovered a fun way to exercise, I discovered Zumba, but couldn't afford to buy it. He didn't say anything about that.

In the meantime I continued exercising, the challenges from SparkPeople and I started losing weight, I cut oil from my cooking, I cut greasy foods, I started eating salads and everything was so enjoyable, I was dieting without even noticing. For 3 months I was exercising every day, my body started to have a shape, I started having a waist, it felt awesome, I was so proud, but it was not enough for me, I kept thinking about Zumba, I kept reading and reading, I saw so many people were so enthusiast about this type of dance, Zumba, I never heard that before, and I wanted to try for myself, but as everyone knows you can find anything on Youtube or different websites, so I gave it a go, but I couldn't find any good videos on how to start,Step-By-Step Guide, nothing, just some types of dance and that's it.

Advanced Health LTD

But, soon my birthday came, and guess what I got for my birthday? A marriage proposal ( I was in the clouds), and then I couldn't believe what my partner gave me: Zumba Fitness Exhilarate: The Ultimate Experience DVD Set.

Oh my God, I couldn't believe what I saw in front of my eyes. And then I was like- This is it, I have it, now it time for me to Zumba, and I am telling, you are really Zumba.

I will tell you how the Zumba story started. An aerobic instructor named Alberto ( Beto- his nickname also in the DVDs) Perez went for his class, but forgot his usual music at home, he couldn't go back home take the music, so he took what tapes he had in the car at the time and played the music, he saw it had a great success so he started blending aerobic moves with music. Zumba consists of hip-hop moves, samba, salsa, merengue, mambo, martial arts, and some Bollywood and belly dance .

What more do we need- I got to learn dance moves from around the world and lose weight in the same time, it's so much fun it is unbelievable and the amount of calories you lose is amazing. I lost more than 10kg till know, and no one can stop me. Instead of sitting and watching TV ( what I used to do before) now I dance my weight off and I love it.

I am so grateful to my partner that he bought this for me, that you can't even imagine, and we are doing it together, it so much fun it is addictive. He can't believe I lost so much weight with the help of Zumba and SparkPeople. I don't even need to go to gym, why spend all those money when you can do it at home? And to be honest with you, I never liked going to the gym-being fat I felt so embarrassed by the way I looked that I would rather do it at home. Now I don't fancy going to the gym when I have my Zumba waiting for me to switch on the TV.

Just a click of a button and I lost so much weight whilst having fun and learning how to dance.

So why don't you Zumba the weight away?

You can do it

Zumba Your Body

Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set

Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set

Amazon Price: $49.95 (as of 12/12/2011) Buy Now

Zumba Fitness Exhilarate: The Ultimate Experience DVD Set

Zumba Fitness Exhilarate: The Ultimate Experience DVD Set

Amazon Price: $89.49 (as of 12/12/2011) Buy Now

Zumba Women's Move Me V-Bra Top

Zumba Women's Move Me V-Bra Top

Amazon Price: (as of 12/12/2011) Buy Now

Zumba Fitness Set

Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set

Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set

Amazon Price: $49.95 (as of 12/12/2011) Buy Now

Zumba Fitness

Zumba Fitness

Amazon Price: $29.96 (as of 12/12/2011) Buy Now

Zumba Fitness Exhilarate: The Ultimate Experience DVD Set

Zumba Fitness Exhilarate: The Ultimate Experience DVD Set

Amazon Price: $89.49 (as of 12/12/2011) Buy Now

Zumba Class claims World Record

A sports centre in North Lanarkshire is claiming to have set a new world record for the biggest ever Zumba class.

The organisers at Ravenscraig Regional Sports Facility said 836 people took part in the class on Sunday.

The Guinness Book of Records is now set to rule whether the attempt beats the previous record of 575, thought to be held by Dalhousie University in Canada.

Melanie Menzies, health and fitness manager with North Lanarkshire Leisure, organised the event at Ravenscraig.

She said: "It was such a great atmosphere, the whole place was absolutely buzzing.

"We think the previous record is 575 people so we've taken it to a whole new level."

Source: BBC News

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Tips to stay motivated

Ways to Rediscover Your Drive

Everyone tells us to stay motivated. Our friends, our co-workers, our relatives say to keep going, don't quit. Sometimes, though, you ask, "Why? Why try my hardest when it ends in disappointment? Why go through something when it's going to hurt? Why?"

Because it's going to be different this time! Because you can't accomplish anything that you give up on. Disappointments and failures happen to everyone. The difference between those who reach their goals and those who don't is staying motivated. If you're motivated, you'll keep going. If you keep going, eventually you'll reach your goal.

Need more reasons?
1. Confidence

How did it feel after that first jog around the block? Or when you finally walked the stairs at work without losing your breath? The more you accomplish, the more you'll believe in yourself.

2. Fit into that dress

It's been hanging up in your closet for two years now, just waiting to be thrown on for a night on the town. All it takes is for you to go that extra mile and stay on track. Before you know it, those two years will be ancient history .
3. Make the week easier

Ever felt like a week was taking forever? It feels like Friday, but it's only Tuesday? This happens when you're not working towards anything. When you have a goal in mind, you'll want to cook that healthy dinner or go to the gym. The week will not only go faster, but be more enjoyable.

4. Gives you purpose

Every once in a while, we need a good reason to get out of bed. Here it is, right in front of you. Eat the healthy breakfast that's going to jump start your day, go for your morning jog, or walk to the driveway and grab the newspaper. When you're motivated, you have a reason to do what you do.

5. For your kids
And your grandkids. And their kids, too. The healthier you are, the longer you'll be around to watch your kids grow and to spoil your grandchildren. They'll want you to be around as long as possible; consider this just another present.

6. Power of momentum

It's a scientific fact - something in motion tends to stay in motion. Momentum builds quickly and can lead to great results. Suddenly, you're not only working for the goal, but also to keep your streak alive. Even more reason to reach your goals.

7. The 'wow' effect

Picture this: Walking into a restaurant, you run into someone from high school, and their eyes light up. They gasp, "Wow, you look great!" By sticking with your goals, this can happen. Watch the "wows" add up.

8. Spread the spark

When friends and family see how hard you're working, they'll wonder how they can reach their own goals. Guess who they're going to look to for help? By staying motivated, you'll not only help yourself, but others too.

9. Keep gaining experience

The more you do, the more you will learn and understand. You'll discover which tactics work best for you and which ones don't. It's like weeding out the garden - not the most enjoyable job in the world, but when you're done, all that's left are beautiful flowers. Keeping sticking with it and soon it will be all flowers for you.

Motivational Posters

-how to create one

When there's a difficult job to do or goal to accomplish, it can be difficult to stay motivated. Whether it's studying to get good grades, keeping up a high work output at your place of employment or losing weight, a motivational poster can act as an inspiration to stay motivated and continue doing the job or reaching for the goal. Family members or fellow employees can participate in the creation of the motivational poster, thereby helping to keep an entire group of people motivated.


1 Write down specifically what you want your motivational poster to accomplish, whether it's work harder, get better grades or lose weight.

2 Brainstorm ideas on what words to use that will spur you and other to accomplish the goal. For example, if you want to get better grades, you could write "Studying is for winners." If you want to lose weight, you could write "Tomorrow, a slimmer me." Keep the number of words short so its message can be taken in at a glance.

3 Sketch some ideas for background shapes over which you'll print your words. Arrows and starburst patterns can be effective eye-catchers. Rectangles and ovals can also help to accentuate the arrows and starburst patterns.

4 Draw the background shapes with a pencil on your poster board. Then draw the words over the background shapes. The words should be "on top" of the background shapes, so erase any background shape pencil lines that cross over the words. Vary the thickness of the letters to give the words added weight.

5 Color in the background shapes with colored markers. Be careful not to color in the shape of the words yet. Also, avoid having a background shape be the same color as you'll be using in the words so that they'll stand out more.

6 Take a marker and fill in the color for the words. Use a black marker to outline the words. Add an exclamation point if desired for emphasis.

Make three versions of your motivational poster and use the one that turns out the best. Bright colors, especially reds and oranges, excite the senses more that pastels and can help with the motivational message.

Using too strict of a tone in your motivational words can make the message not come across as well as an engaging tone.


"Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired."

"The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the others willing to let them."

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift ."

"Those who believe they can do something are probably right - and so are those who believe they can't."

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing -- that's why we recommend it daily."

"Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of."

"There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results."

"Know the true value of time; snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness never put off till tomorrow what you can do today." See

"Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul."

"A man who wants something will find a way; a man who doesn't will find an excuse."

"If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm."

To swear off mistakes is very easy. All you have to do is swear off having ideas.

Play Zumba Fitness on Wii

- have fun with it!

Ditch the workout and join the PARTY!

Bring the Zumba Fitness Party
right into your living room with Wii. The Zumba program pairs red hot international dance steps with sexy Latin music to create an ultra fun fitness party on your console that's focused on the joy of movement. Follow along as Zumba instructors Tanya, Gina and Beto (Zumba's creator) guide you through more than 30 routines that will make you forget you are even exercising!

Getting started is easy!

* Zumba Fitness
on Wii comes with a specially designed belt.
* Fasten your belt around your waist.
* You're ready to go and join in with the contagious dance moves.


* Bring theZumba Fitness
experience home with you in the first interactive game based on the successful brand!
* Learn and perfect nine different dance styles : Reggaeton, Merengue, Salsa, Cumbia, Hip-Hop, Mambo, Rumba, Flamenco and Calypso.
* Includes more than 30 Zumba routines-some exclusive to the game.
* Follow your on-screen Zumba instructor's routine in a high voltage party atmosphere. As you fine tune the steps, the stage and party transforms in dynamic new ways.
* Strap the Zumba belt to your waist to turn the Wii Remote into a hip motion sensor.
* Supports up to 4 players. Team up and try to earn the highest workout score as a group or play against each other in Zumba Attack! Mode for the ultimate fitness dance off.
* Dance in a range of venues: learn the basics in the Zumba gym and then take the party to a fantasy night club, an industrial factory, a skyscraper rooftop and a futuristic Zumbathon stadium.
* Includes "Learn the Steps" training, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced routines for all skill levels.
Zumba Fitness Party
is available on Xbox 360 Kinect, Nintendo Wii and Playstation Move.

Zumba Fitness 2

And if you liked Zumba Fitness, you will love the NEW Zumba Fitness 2

Ditch the workout and bring the Zumba Fitness Party
right into your living room!

Three million players worldwide and counting have already discovered the exhilarating Zumba Fitness interactive video game work out. Following the worldwide best-selling original, Zumba Fitness 2
builds on that phenomenal success while elevating the exer-game category to a new high of fun, effective fitness. This cutting-edge experience layers in loads of new features and improvements, amps up the dance-fitness party and gives you even more ways to sculpt your body and party yourself into shape. Get ready for the sleek, sexy physique you've always dreamed of!

Get a total body workout with 32 electrifying new routines and music tracks, including hits from today's hottest artists including Pitbull, Nicole Scherzinger and Yolanda Be Cool & DCup
* Follow along as celebrity Zumba instructors Tanya Beardsley, Gina Grant and Beto guide you through each routine. New 3D models of each instructor make playing the game feel like taking a real class with Zumba's elite celebrity trio!
* Learn 20 different dance styles across routines, from fan favorites like Merengue, Samba and Cumbia to new additions like Axe, Indian, Latin Pop, Bellydance and Pasodoble
* Get your party on in 5 stunning, dynamic environments, from a Miami Yacht to a LA nightclub. Watch the party grow as you match moves throughout each area!
* Choose each instructor's outfit and personalize clothing with the new Zumba apparel customization feature
* New video cueing system makes the choreography easier to follow for new players
* New Progress Tracker lets you follow every stat relating to your gameplay, including: calories burned, trophies earned, overall rank, technique score based on how many moves matched overall, and more.
The best selling Wii game in 2011 is BACK!

Zumba Fitness 2
is a multiplayer Dance - Fitness game for Wii that provides an outlet for players to get a great full body workout in a fun dance class environment. Based on the popular Zumba exercise dance craze that has swept the world in recent years,Zumba Fitness 2
is the second game in the Zumba Fitness video game series and is designed for players of all fitness levels. Gameplay incorporates 20 different dance styles and utilizes the included Zumba Fitness belt which holds the Wii Remote, allowing for hands-free action. Additional features include: 20 different dance styles, five different game modes, 32 electrifying new routines and music tracks, a new progress tracker, varied difficulty levels and instructor customization.

Party Yourself into Shape!

Following the worldwide best-selling original, Zumba Fitness 2
builds on that phenomenal success while elevating the exer-game category to a new high of fun, effective fitness. This cutting-edge experience layers in loads of new features and improvements, amps up the dance-fitness party and gives you even more ways to sculpt your body and party yourself into shape. Get ready for the sleek, sexy physique you've always dreamed of.

Key Game Features:

Get a total body workout with 32 electrifying new routines and music tracks, including hits from today's hottest artists including Pitbull, Nicole Scherzinger and Yolanda Be Cool and DCup.

Follow along as celebrity Zumba instructors Tanya Beardsley, Gina, Grant and Beto guide you through each routine. New 3D models of each instructor make playing the game feel like taking a real class with Zumba's elite celebrity trio.

Get in shape with 5 different game modes:
Single Song - Dance a single routine of your choice. The new song preview feature gives you a feel for a track before you dive in and lose yourself in the music.
Zumba Class - A workout block of routines in 20, 45 or 60 minute formats. You can now create your own custom routines by saving a playlist of your favourite songs.
Zumba Party - Up to 4 players can join the party in your living room with cooperative gameplay.
Learn the Steps - Revamped tutorial mode lets you learn at your own pace by breaking down the core dance styles into the basics.

Get your party on in 5 stunning, dynamic environments, from a Miami Yacht to a LA nightclub. Watch the party grow as you match moves throughout each area.

Choose each instructor's outfit and personalize clothing with the new Zumba apparel customization feature.

New video cueing system makes the choreography easier to follow for new players.

New Progress Tracker lets you follow every stat relating to your gameplay, including: calories burned, trophies earned, overall rank, technique score based on how many moves matched overall, and more.

Approachable gameplay offers a full tutorial mode with Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced routines tiered for all skill levels.

Affix the exclusive Zumba Fitness belt (included free in the game box) to your waist and slide the Wii Remote into the holster to dance hands-free.

Are you in your lunch break at the office ?

Maybe you think you can not do it in your lunch break at work, there is no way you can carry your laptop or dvd player to zumba your body...
Well, guess what- you are always using your Iphone wherever you are, isn't it?
There is an application for your Iphone, where Zumba Fitness is a collection of 25 Videos including;Sexy Chick Warm UpLow RiderElectro PopWhenever WhereverTemperatureFeeling Hot Hot HotMauja Hi MaujaPoseExtreme ZumbaAfrican DreamZumbaLluvia Cool DownLa FiestaYa LlegoSanusZamba ZumbaPa La Discoteka A BailarAmor Para MiMi Bomba SonoThis Reggaeton Is TransilitiousC'mon And DanceCachambaBailando SexyShakeSlideZumba is the new dance craze that is taking the World by storm and its easy to see why! Its a great way to get fit and stay in shape but much more than that its fun!!!
What not find out more ?

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