Leonardo Di Caprio Stinks??
Leonardo DiCaprio's girlfriend has a problem with her ??boyfriend. Leo avoid using deodorant to under armpit as well as regular daily shower. His new lifestyle exasperates his girlfriend Eric Hiterton. A close friend of the couple said that hi is it disgusted and relieved of Leonardos schedule for bathing and the chaos in his home. "He just showering couple days a week and use deodorant considers unnatural" adds their friend.
The same source, Eric has warned Leo to pay attention to hygiene otherwise might be in a position again to search for the girl of his life.
In fact it is that Leo is ecologist, he doesnt wants to bathe frequently so hi wont spend water and does not use deodorant because it damages the ozone.
In fact it is that Leo is ecologist, he doesnt wants to bathe frequently so hi wont spend water and does not use deodorant because it damages the ozone.

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