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How to Drive Traffic With Article Marketing

Article Marketing

Increase exposure and establish yourself as an expert in your field

Article Marketing is an excellent, free way to get publicity to your website or business. Readers generally regard authors in a high regard, and knowledgeable in the subjects they write about. Write a good article about your business, products, or anything that relates to what you do, and drive a little traffic through the link at the bottom of most online articles.

Things to keep in mind when using article marketing:

  • Don't write your articles too long or too short. Also, don't waste your time with writing articles that aren't useful. They won't click the link to your website if the article itself doesn't draw them in.
  • Don't make the content of the article even better than what's on your website. Making a short (but not too short) resource with a captivating blurb about where they can find more info and what you have to offer is a pretty good plan.
  • Focus on keywords in your link in the resource box, but sometimes diversify the anchor link in your articles. That is, use different words to link to your website. You should use targeted keywords, but don't overuse them -- change it up sometimes, or you can get penalized by Google.
  • Keep in mind any one article is not going to change things. Dozens of articles are usually most effective.

What you are looking at right now is a lens on Squidoo. What is it? It's an easily customized piece of the web that receives plenty of Google traffic. Write about anything, just make sure it's interesting. Make it fun, entertaining, informative, helpful or controversial, and you'll be rewarded in the form of immense traffic! Use Squidoo to promote your business, write about items that you sell, or write about anything that you are knowledgeable and passionate about!

Squidoo is nice enough to share AdSense clicks with every lensmaster. Each individual lens is tracked to see how much affiliate income it generates, and you split the profits 50/50 with Squidoo. You also get a certain amount of the adsense revenue, depending on your lensrank. Increase your revenue by adding the Amazon, eBay, Etsy, or CafePress modules! Work these items into your lenses by including items that are relevant to your topic, and you could get a sale! Also, you can add affiliate banners and products of your own from other sites like, Commission Junction, and more. Remember, Squidoo can be a powerful tool in generating traffic to your site as well.

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