Is Something in the Past Still Haunting You?
Do you often refer back to some experience in the past to base your present time decisions on? Do you look back at those times and give advice to others based on what happened "back then"? I believe everyone does this to some degree. Think about it... Our "experience" is our knowledge of what works and what doesn't. But what if you are living in fear from part or all of that experience? For instance, you were cheated on in an old relationship. Now, you worry about the new guy cheating so you act with precaution. Or something happened to you when you were younger and now you worry it will happen to your daughter. The mind has a way of associating similar experiences to be the same. One thing equals another. But it really does not. Just because you "had it bad" doesn't mean your friend, your daughter or you will "have it bad" because there is a sign it's similar. Experiences in the past often accumulate and affect our behavior, thoughts and goals today. We must remember to live in the present and forget about the past. After all, you are a different person now then you were back then. If your attention is still slightly on these past incidents - then you will be stuck on those even though you are trying to move forward. It can hold you back or your advice can hold others back. The best thing to do is create the future and help others do so as well. Imagine exactly what you want and stay focused on those scenes that you want the future to look like. It has often been said and true for me, that what you focus on is what you will get in life. This goes for good or bad thoughts. So get your mind in the future, stay out of the past and create it exactly the way that you would want it to be. Life and situations will be what you make it, so make it good!