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Cook Islands, the best kept secret of the Pacifics

Cook Islands, the best kept secret of the Pacific

Cook Islands are a group of 15 islands and atolls isolated, spread over a total distance of over 1,400 miles in the South Pacific Ocean, between French Polynesia to the east and Tonga to the west. The islands are divided, geographically, into two main groups - the northern and the southern - offering a total land area of ??241 square kilometers, spread over almost two million square kilometers of ocean. Cook is at a distance of 3400 km northeast of New Zealand, under the influence of which exist as independent territory, amounting to a total population of 19,000 inhabitants, most Maori.
Southern group contains the largest islands: they are composed of a mixture of high relief, volcanoes, coral and atolls. All constituents of this group islands are inhabited, except Manuae and Takutea. The same group was also the most important of the Cook Islands, Rarotonga, which hosts chained atolls capital, Avarua. Located approximately 1,000 kilometers north of the islands in the south, is the northern group, whose islands, with the exception of Nassau, atolls are all small to medium formations. Compared to South Cook Islands, they are isolated and less developed. Aitutaki rises to an altitude of 4,000 meters to the ocean floor of the Pacific, has an area of 18 square kilometers and is a great "almost atoll" form Southern Gruplui triangular islands, and the second most populated island Cook, with about 2,000 inhabitants. Aitutaki Island is surrounded by a reef thickness up to one kilometer, as close, with the vast island Araura a very transparent lagoon, which is expanding. Maximum altitude reached the island about 123 meters, the hill Maung Pu.

Along Araura, there in Aitutaki other 21 small patches of land, called motu and forming, amounted to 2.4 square kilometers of land. Aitutaki lagoon is famous for its central turcuoaz and uninhabited islands full of palm trees.Another advantage is that, so far, has been spared from mass tourism, although it provides some facilities for visitors. It is said that the most important attraction of the place would be small islet Tapuaetai, because it offers the best views of the lagoon and, hence, it is possible, depending on the tide, the sand bed of the lagoon, up to a distance rather high land. Atiu Enuamanu Known as the third largest island Cook, located in the southern group and having an area of 27 square kilometers, Atiu is a volcanic island surrounded mostly by limestone reef of coral fossilized, with a height of three to six meters. Reef is narrow, with a width up to 100 meters, and close a lagoon and narrower. From the edge of the platform, the soil rises gradually to a plateau area with slightly hilly terrain.

Atiu Island is famous especially for a long history of growing coffee. Population counts 600 inhabitants of the place, and most settlements are concentrated on the central hill. People living in five villages radiand the core to the periphery island in the shape of a human silhouette. A special interest tourists arrive here Kopek caves, located deep in Makati, jungle Atiu. Mangaia Mangaia, or Auau Enua is the second highest - almost 52 square miles - and the southernmost of the Cook Islands. Around them was an ancient coral reef, which rises steeply from the shore directly prior to sharpen inland. Geologists estimate that Mangaia is aged at least 18 million years, making it the oldest island in the Pacific. Lies at 4750 meters above ocean bed has a central volcanic plateau, like many Southern Cook Islands and is surrounded by a ring of high cliffs of fossilized coral called Makati and raised, in this case, layers, up to 60 meters.

Maximum elevation of the island is 169 meters, the rank-motile, close to the island, and is comforted capital Oneroa village where half the population is concentrated around the island. Since ancient times and even today, coconuts are important cultural site, offering food, liquid and fiber. Manuae is an uninhabited atoll southernmost group of islands Cook, located on top of a submerged volcano that descends 4,000 feet under water until the ocean floor. Atoll has two small islands Manuae west and east you have a You, totaling an area of land of 6.17 km ², had an both sides of a transparent lagoons size of about 13 square kilometers. A coral reef surrounding the atoll, neexeistand any crossing point along the entire ring reef. The island is a marine park and an important breeding area for birds and turtles in the central Pacific.


A true coral atoll, Palmerston Island consists of a number of sandy islands arranged along a dark ring around a reef lagoons in the Southern Group Cook Islands .. The largest islands are Palmerston, North Island, Lee To Us, Leicester, Primrose, Toms and Cooks. Total area of land formed by the islands is approximately 2.6 square kilometers, while coral cover 15 square kilometers and lagoon covers no less than 56. There are several ways to access small reef boats, although no entry is not safe for large vessels.Palmerston enjoys a tropical climate but is exposed and powerful hurricanes. All the islands are covered with coconut palms and pandanus trees. Island's population consists of about 50 individuals, all of English descent, named William Marsters. Electricity and other utilities are available on the island, and a secure telephone station recently established permanent contact with the outside world. Rarotonga With an area of 67 square kilometers and is located in the Southern Group, Rarotonga is the largest of the Cook Islands, and most populated, housing, according to the 2006 census, 14,153 inhabitants. Cook Islands' Parliament buildings, as well as the international airport, are all in Rarotonga, the largest group of South Pacific islands. The island is a popular tourist destination with many resorts, hotels and motels. Leading position of this city, Avarua, located on the northern coast, is also the capital of the Cook Islands. Rarotonga is located at 4,500 meters above the ocean floor and has a circumference of 32 kilometers. Te Manga, with a height of 658 meters, is the highest peak on the island.

Land is surrounded by a lagoon that separates the island from the reef for a distance of 100 meters around.Southeast side of the lagoon, the widest and deepest, is very popular among tourists for swimming, snorkeling, diving and boating. White sandy beaches and palm full spread on the island and can be practiced even Raemaru climbing, mountain island. A major attraction is the waterfall Wigmore. Popular activities on the island are cycling, horseback riding, fishing offshore boat tours, scenic flights, dancing, tennis and many others. There are plenty open church. Takutea Located in the southern group, this island the size of 1.22 square kilometers is uninhabited and has been designated natural sanctuary for animals because, especially red-tailed birds tropicalelor here. Takutea is one of the Cook Islands has never hosted a permanent population. Altitdinea peak on the island is six meters above sea level and the land is heavily populated with coconut palms.

Mitiaro is in Cook Islands Southern Group is of volcanic origin, covers an area of 22.8 square kilometers and sank in the South Pacific Ocean waters to a depth of 4,500 meters. The island is surrounded by a belt of fossilized coral, with a height of six to nine meters, feature sudic.Centrul group islands island is almost flat, slightly sloppy and contains two freshwater lakes. The beaches are limited, but is formed from place to place, crystal clear pools ideal for swimming in underground limestone caves and marine life of the place. Four villages are scattered on the island and there is even a school here, counting resident population of around 220 individuals.

Manihiki is an atoll in the northern Cook Islands, with an area of four square kilometers. The place is also known as Pearl Island, is a triangular atoll considered one of the most lovely islands in the group. Extraordinary lagoon 10 km wide, is dotted with 43 ??tiny motu, located along the reef. The latter provides an excellent environment for swimming and snorkeling among coral and multicolored fish tropilcai. Scuba diving is a major attraction of the island, and visitors are allowed without problems descend underwater without equipment, but to do so with bottle costume, they need a permit.It also fished well in waters over coral, exotic fish are easy to catch. The island is famous for its black pearls and around the lagoon pearl farms are even equipped rooms. Farm tours can be arranged, explaining and demonstrating growing process insemination or extraction of pearls and shell. There are two villages on the island, Tauhunu, largest, and Tukao, the lowest. Mauke With an area of 20.3 square miles, Mauke is an island of the northern group of the Cook Islands, measuring 6.4 kilometers from north to 4 km south and from east to verses. It consists of a central plateau of volcanic rocks, covering 5.4 km ² and that rises to the maximum height of 30 meters.The island is surrounded by a coral reef fossilized limestone separating the inside of the perimeter. Formed lagoon inside the reef is very small, allowing the show admiring the waves hitting the shore. Mauke has a special atmosphere and its inhabitants still follow old traditions of hospitality, very friendly to visitors.

People who come here from afar must adapt to a rhythm and a lifestyle quite different. Shops are few and far apart, often closed and limited supply of products. And the number of visitors is limited, insular council decided that there would have to be places for more than 40 people at once. The island has a permanent electricity and three beaches, the best way to explore is probably the rental bike. Formed of coral roads are deserted and quiet.Nassau Located in the northern island group with an area of only 1.2 square miles, Nassau amounted to only nine feet above sea level and is surrounded by a narrow reef. Is covered with palm trees and one of Northern Cook Islands lagoon opens. Island land is rich in forest swamps and small fruit and nearby waters with abundant fish may be taken. Island's population is 71 people, whose families live in huts covered with leaves and fibers. The island was seriously damaged in February 2005, Cyclone Percy, but restoration was completed and the island now has a completely new school. Since the place has an airport, access is only possible sailing from Rarotonga, a journey of three days at sea.

is the most remote and largest atoll (the lagoon) of the 15 Cook Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. Penrhyn is above the highest submarine volcano Cook, 4876 meters high from the ocean bed up top. The island contains a ring of coral around, 77 kilometers long and lagoon inside and has an area of 233 square kilometers. Land area of these islands in the northern group is 9.84 km ², and wrinkling relief, reach the peak, the height of five meters. Site population is about 200 inhabitants. "Growing" and harvesting of black pearls is the only significant economic activity of the island. Also, the menu consists of everyone here, especially in seafood, as well as locally grown plants such as coconuts and fruit bread.

is an atoll in the northern chain of islands Cook, consisting of three small islands connected prntr a beautiful lagoon reef that close. Land surface covers a little over three square kilometers and yet, here, ancient culture and language of any other dinstinctiv have developed over the centuries. Archaeologists have recently discovered traces of human settlements dating from 2,000 years ago, and the closest prehistoric associations appear to be with Samoa and other islands in the West.Of all the inhabited islands of the Cook group, Pukapuka is probably the most isolated. Island shape is somewhat that of a three propeller fan has even an airport, but flights here from the capital Rarotonga are very rare. The island is geographically closer than the rest Samoa Cook Islands, so five hours flight from Rarotonga operates only when available government charter, every six weeks. The islanders say that their main wealth is the "pretty girls".Rakahanga is located in the northern group of islands Cook rep one of the quietest places on Earth. Atoll is almost rectangular shape, and the lagoon surrounded by reef bathe two main islands and seven motu, or islets, which fill gaps between larger islands. Total area of land is 4.1 square kilometers. Lags crabs abound in and outside reef fishing is abundant where large turtles abound. Also, the vegetation is lush trees impunatorii bread and coconut palms covering island.

is part of the Northern Cook Islands was inhabited by Polynesians in Prehistory. In 1978, the island was declared a National Park Cook Islands, the only fact, thanks to the rich marine fauna and ornithological you maintain. Atoll has one of the best ports in the Pacific. Quadrilateral has a circumference of 80 kilometers and closing a reef or lagoon 19 per 13 km. The island has a mysterious past and has been described, years ago as "the most romantic in the world".Reef surrounding the atoll has a width of up to 800 meters. Scattered around the outer reef are about 40 small islands, no larger than 0.1 square kilometers in area. Aggregate islands of Suwarrow offers a total land area of ??only 1.68 square kilometers, forming the second smallest island Cook.

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