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Tears Of Pearls

One day a young clams on the ocean floor to complain and complain at his mother
as a grain of sand sharp enters his body red and mushy.

"My son," said the mother, while tears gushed out, "God did not give us,
the shells, a hand too, so that the mother could not help thee. "

The mother pause, "is very sick, I know my son. But
Please accept it as a natural destiny. Your heart be strong. Don't get too Frisky again.
Muster semangatmu against a dull ache and pains that nibble. Balutlah sand
It's your stomach with SAP. That's all you can do ", said his mother with
wistful and gentle.

Older shells were doing the allmighty God advice. There is a result, but the pain is not
Reed abysmal. Sometime in the middle of the kesakitannya, he doubted his mother's advice.
With tears she endured, for many years. But without realising it
grain Pearl began to form in his flesh. The longer the more smooth. A Sense Of
pain was reduced. And the longer the more it for long. The pain
be more reasonable.

Finally after so many years, the grain of large pearls, shiny, intact and precious expensive
were formed perfectly. Her suffering turns into pearls; water
his eyes turned out to be very valuable. Now, as a result he suffered
over the years, is worth more than a million other free clam eaten
boiled clams as people on the roadside.

The moral message:

The above story is a paradigm which explained that the misery is the hallway
transcendental to make "regular" to "clam shell" was outstanding.
Because it can be affirmed that the disappointments and suffering can change
"ordinary people" to "wonderful people".

Maybe now we're experiencing rejection, disappointment, heartbreak, or injured
because the people around you try to keep smiling and remain
walking in the hallway, and while you are saying in your heart the ... "My tears
reckoned of God.. and my suffering is going to transform myself into a Pearl"

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