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Index of Kinesis Power Part 1

Cytokinesis is the process by which a cell divides its cytoplasm to produce two daughter cells. As the final step in cell division after mitosis , cytokinesis is a carefully orchestrated process that signals the start of a new cellular generation. The separation of one cell into two is accomplished by a structure called the contractile ring. The contractile ring is a structure believed to operate in a way similar to muscle. A molecular motor, myosin, contracts the actin filaments that form the contractile ring tighter and tighter until the cell is pinched in two. The contraction of the contractile ring has been likened to tightening a purse string to close the top of a pouch. The furrow created by this pinching process is also called the "cleavage furrow," as it is the site at which cleavage of one cell into two cells occurs.

Cytokinesis consists of four major steps. The first step is to define the position at which the contractile ring will form. The spindle, the structure responsible for segregating thechromosomes into what will become the daughter cells, also appears to be responsible for defining where the contractile ring forms. The contractile ring forms perpendicular to the long axis of the spindle at its midpoint. Components of the spindle that come in contact with the plasma membrane, called astral microtubules, are believed to transmit a signal to the cell periphery that tells actin and other components of the contractile ring to assemble at that location. Actin and microtubules are both part of thecytoskeleton .

The second step in cytokinesis is to assemble the actin filaments that form the contractile ring. Additionalproteins , including the molecular motor myosin, which powers contraction, also assemble in this same domain. The third step is the actual contraction of the contractile ring. In this step, the myosin motor, powered by adenosine triphosphate, moves the actin filaments past each other, much in the same way as myosin interacts with actin to power the contraction of muscle. This step also requires the removal of actin subunits to allow the ring to decrease in size. The final step, breaking and refusion of the plasma membrane, occurs once the ring has contracted

A colored scanning electron micrograph of a breast cancer cell dividing.

to its minimum size. This breaking and fusion finally separates the two daughter cells from each other.

As with each of the steps in mitosis, cytokinesis is highly regulated. If the cell were to divide its cytoplasm prior to the completion of duplication and segregation of the chromosomes, it is unlikely that each of theprogeny cells would receive the proper genetic information. Thus the cell employs several regulatory mechanisms to assure that cytokinesis occurs only after all of the chromosomes have been properly segregated. There is, for example, a "spindle checkpoint" that assures that each and every chromosome has attached to the spindle. The entire process of cell division waits at the checkpoint until the conditions of the checkpoint have been satisfied. Once they have been, the process continues and concludes with cytokinesis.






Pyrokinesis ranges from being able to move a candle's fire at will to being able to set something on fire. Creating fire out of nowhere is impossible, but with sheer determination you might be able to make something burn. This is accomplished by mentally heating an object which even though extremely rare is possible. I haven't personally done it, but I've seen it a couple of times.


A) Read This article to understand the basics of telekinesis. In order to perform pyrokinesis - or any type of kinesis for that matter - you need to have the same fundamentals required for telekinesis.

B) Get a candle and light it.

C) Take it to a windless place. Remember that you HAVE to move it with your mind without the use of any physical means. If you use the wind for example, you're cheating and it's not gonna work for you.

D) Now try to control the flame. Here's a tip: Make the flame seem like an extension of your body. Imagine that you can control it just the way you can control your hands. It will take you a while to get used to this feeling, but eventually you will succeed.

E) When you're able to control the flame, move on to a more difficult exercise: Create the flame. As I mentioned above, this can only occur if you mentally heat the object (In this case the candle) until it burns. Making the fire is impossible... just a note, creating ANYTHING is impossible - our mind is only capable of "playing" with the object rather than creating them.

F) Tips: Keep trying! This may take a while, but it's definitely worth it.



Image:AT Cryokinesis user page.jpg



Introduction Cryokinesis is the ability to control the element of Ice. Before you start, you will most likely want to prepare your body for this. For techniques on preparatory work, go to Ki Evolution. Below are just different techniques that you could try to use Cryokinesis for.

Cultivating Water Energy: This technique you will need throughout most of cryokinesis, since you will be taking the water elemental energy and forming it to ice. To start, stand in a position you would for ki breathing or grounding. Close your eyes, and picture yourself standing in a peaceful place, surrounded by water, or waterfalls, whatever you want. Now, picture energy flowing from the water, into your body, mixing with your ki in your Dan Tien, and flowing throughout your body. I picture this as a blue form of mana. Keep doing this until you feel that the technique has been completed, and that you have cultivated water energy.

Cultivating Water Energy 2: This is another way of cultivating water energy, sent to me by my friend Richard. This is an easier way to cultivate water energy. While taking a shower close your eyes and let the water hit your front side of your body. Visualize the water energy coming from it into your Dan Tien or even just your body like it is absorbing it. After a minute or two you will have enough. Changing Temperature: This technique is one of the more common you can find on Cryokinesis all over the web. It is using Cryokinesis to change the temperature of a specific area a bit, to make it colder. To start out, you may want to meditate a bit and clear your mind. Now, find the room, or whatever area you wish to change the temperature of, and you may want to check the thermostat first, and see what the temperature is. Now, stand there comfortably, with your eyes closed. Invision that you are standing in the middle of a blizzard, with snow blowing past you with gusts of frigid wind, ice forming on the ground. You must really get into this. Actually try to feel your body becoming colder. Picture the thermostat that you looked at in the beginning, and picture the temperature on it dropping. You could also picture ice forming around the room, all over everywhere, causing the temperature to drop. Now don't get discouraged, this takes practice. With enough work, you should be able to make the temperature a little colder.

Ice Ball: This is the other common cryokinesis technique that you will see a lot. Now, there are many ways of doing this, but I will explain one of them. Get into the stance that you use when you normally make a Ki or mana ball, with your knees bent a bit, and hands in the ki ball position, at your side, near your hip. Now, picture water running over your hands and in between your hands, as if you were running them under a faucet. Feel it out, and extract the water elemental energy. Now, picture the water frosting over, try to hear the sounds of the ice crackling as the water freezes. Picture it freezing little by little, and compiling into a ball of ice between your palms. Do this for a few minutes, and see if you feel any cold between your hands. Don't worry, all these techniques take time and practice, so you might not get it on the first day. Just keep working on it. Practice this every day, until you can do it. To test this, you can try throwing the ice ball at a candle or some kind of small flame like that. And again, don't worry if nothing happens the first few times. Just remember, when throwing the ice ball, just like any other energy ball, you must be in complete concentration and focus, so that the ball does not simply disperse into the air.

Ice Blast: This tech can be done a couple of ways, and here I will describe both that I know of. One way, is to just make a normal ice ball, and then push your hands forward like a normal ki blast, and picture the ice ball flying through the air, being absorbed into your target, and turning the entire thing to ice. Now, this will not actually turn the object into ice. But if done on a person, they may get a shiver, or feel cold. Now, the second way to do this, is a bit different. This way I have thought up myself. Instead of making an ice ball, fill up your fore-arms with the water energy. Now, picture it freezing just like the ice ball technique, and then shoot your hands forward, picturing a large icicle being launched out of your hands at your foe.

Tsurara Tate: "Icicle Shield". This is a technique that I devised myself. To start out, stand in a wide stance, and be in concentration on the elemental energy of water, and draw it into your body. Keep picturing it filling up your body, mixing with your ki in your Dan Tien. When you think you have enough, then tense up your muscles. Become completely focussed, and picture the water element exploding out of you, and freezing mid-way through the air, forming a dome of ice around your body. Picture more water energy being added to it, the dome becoming larger and more powerful, and freezing more. Keep picturing this happening, and also picture the water energy inside you, powering you up internally, like an internal ki flame. Practice this, and remember not to over do it.

Kori Hari: "Ice Needles". This techinque I also devised myself. Now, this is similar to the Ice blast technique, using the icicle. But, it is a bit harder and could take more practice. Now, to start out, draw in the water energy, and pack it into your arms. Picture it freezing like in the ki ball technique, but staying inside your arms. Now, tense up your arms and shoot them forward as if for a blast, but this time, use your ishi(will power) to have the ice energy come out of your palms and fingertips in the form of little needles of ice, which you should focus on pelting your opponent with. Introduction Cryokinesis is the ability to control the element of Ice. Before you start, you will most likely want to prepare your body for this.





Hydrokinesis is the ability to control or create movements in water at will.If you chose to learn how to use such a powerful ability you will with no doubt begin to learn and think you are going nowher.But everyone must begin somewhere.You will go form making small and hardly noticeable ripples in the water to making large waves. Hydrokinesis,much like other kinetic abilities,once mastered can be used for protection or to save a life. All it takes is, time, pratice, patience, and an open mind.

Whirlpool Once it has settled, close your eyes. Sense the water in front of you, feel its energy and merge it with yours. See in your mind's eye the link between you and the liquid. Feel its smoothness - its cool healing properties. Now try to mimic those feelings within your own energies. You and water are one and the same. just as you have control over your own energies, so too do you have control over water. Open your eyes. look at the the substance within the bow. You are a part of it, and it is a part of you. keeping in mind your connection with it, will the water to move, just as you would with your own energy. make it start to swirl in the bowl, always getting stronger, always gaining speed. It is you. Remember, the secret here is thinking that the water is nothing but an extension of your body. Focus a lot. Sink Meditate for half an hour. Get comfortable and breathe deeply. Look at the toothpick.Imagine your's "hand" coming out and pushing on the object, and imagine it glinding across the water to the other side of the dish.Feel the energy pushing on it.You can use your hands to direct your energy,but don't touch or blow on the toothpick.Here another tech.Imagine that you are pushing down on the object,forcing it to go under the surface of the water. Wave Gaze in to the clear liquid and imagine yourself becoming one with the water.Feel it's energy,molecules...let your mind sink into it and fuse with it's surroundings.Once you feel as though there is nothing seperating you from the water,and that it will do as you wish make some sort of small movement in the water. creating water out of thin air Imagine water molecules forming with air molecules and see the water appearing in your mind as cleary as possible see it coming out of the air and,once you see the water you may shape it on to whatever you want.In time you may be able to generate enogh water to the point were you may use it as a shield.

*Note-this is extremly hard to accomplish but if you are an experiend hydrokinetic then this shouldnt be a problem for you.Not something Id reccomend for begginers.



Aerokinesis Tech 1

Aerokinesis is the control of air. By using aerokinesis, you can create a small breeze, or a whole lot of wind.  So, you go outside (preferably in a quiet place like your yard, or the roof of a school where you won't be disturbed) and concentrate for a couple seconds. Try to get a feel for the air. Feel how cold or warm it is, how strong or weak the wind is, stuff like that. So don't go out there and meditate for an hour (unless you think it's necessary), this only takes a small amount of concentration. Now, think how that wind would feel hitting you from a direction of your choice.  Then, once you feel the wind start to kick up, try to make it as strong as you can.

Aerokinesis Tech 2

Focus your mind, but don't go into a full meditation. You should be standing in the general area you want the wind to come to. Raise your hands a comfortable height in the air. Imagine cords connecting to a huge "sheet" of wind. Pinch those imaginary cords between your thumb and forefinger. Now snap your wrists back(you should be standing with raised palms towards the wind). Imagine, as you jerk the cords, the "sheet" rippling, and coming toward you, picking up speed. If you're outside, picture the tops of the trees swaying and rustling their leaves as the wind pushes past them. Keep doing these two things until the trees actually start to move. Once this happens, snap your wrist and arms down and back, and visualise the "sheet" becoming almost a wave, crashing down towards where you're standing and blowing past you. As long as you keep concentrating the wind should keep coming, sometimes in gusts, and sometimes in a long steady wind. If you practice enough, you can become very good at this and the winds will be stronger. **WARNING** High winds can be extremely dangerous. Always practice aerokinesis with caution.




Geokinesis is moving the Earth...

Earth fuse Close your eyes , and picture the energy from the earth floating all around you and glowing beneath the surface under you. Now, send some of your ki , in the form of string-type streams down into the earth ,connecting the earth with your energy.

Picture your ki fusing with the earth's energy, and absorbing some of it into your energy. Performing a ki flame-type power up, picturing the two energies fusing together all inside of you. Now start gathering earth energy, make it swirl around inside your ki flame.keep loading up your ki flame with earth energy until you feel it is fairly strong. Now,send all that energy that is swirling around you to the front of you, and use your mind to make it form something such as a brick wall-type shield. Keep adding earth energy to it, and program it to do whatever you want...just rememeber that you CANNOT shield from physcal objects. earth punch now, power up as you normally would, but take in earth energy with

Swirl the earth energy with your own ki. now,bring your hand back, make a tight fist, and use the earth energy to surround your hand, and picture it making a big rock around your fist, or turning your fist to stone.send the last of that earth energy into your fist, and take a big step forward and smash your foe with all your might, and picture the stone braking on them. Earth blast power up a ki ball send earth energy to the ki ball in your wrist and arm. visulize the earth energy plating the ki ball and turning them into rocks fused togerther. make them hard and strong then when ready, blast out the rock ball from your wrist and visulize it smashing with great force into your opponent. minor earthquake visulize a massive fist of rock forming on the bottom of the staff, use ki and earth energy to make it.when it's ready and strong enough, lift up the staff and slam it onto the ground, visulize the fist hitting the ground super hard and if done correctly anyone around you may feel a sligth earth disturbence. earth ripple picture a pond in your mind and then use all of your ki to make the biggest fist possible to make and then imagine your hand tearing through the water in the pond.Than shash the fist into the earth to make the earth ripple.(or concrete for that matter.)

Elemental blast. Gather mana in your hand chakras get some energy from earth,some from fire, some from ice, and some from water. imagine the different energy swirling, swirling, in your hand. DO not mix them, just put them into the ball shape, suck it in your hands, and shoot all the energy all at once. Not really just geo. earth gun. make a psiball of earth energy, pour a lot of energy into it, about 85% of all your energy, do this 3 times, and shrink it so it's the size and shape of a bullet, make a gun shape with your hands, and put the psiball (geo) between your 2 shooting fingers, and visualize it shooting out when you move your thumb or something. Aim. Click your thumb. Make it dense enough, an shoot it at paper, if it makes a hole in paper, try a beer can. If it goes through that, that means your GOOD!! Very useful in fighting. Make several bullets, store it in your hand, use it like a gun!!! BAM! BAM! im not responsible if you hurtkill someone your choice, your consequenses It might be helpful if you put another one, except fire on the tip of this and make it sharp and charge the whole thing with electricity. Jing Blast: Go set up for a regular ki blast. Place your hands to your side and create a ki ball between them as you normaly would. After the ki ball is created, begin to visualize the ki hardening into a solid object. I visualize it hardening into a cannonball. When in your mind it looks like a ball in between your hands, Thrust out like you normally would. When the "rock" is released, visualize the stream of ki pushing it as a Pole or piece of two by four. I visualize a huge telephone pole emerging and shooting at the opponent. Ram the pole straight through the opponent. This will give a visible effect of the damage. It may cause a red mark or something the first few times you try it. Practice it on a friend first. But make sure he has proper gear on. I did this to a friend of mine before when he wasn't wearing any gear. He bent down and acted like he had just been punched real hard in the gut. When he recovered he commented that it felt like a telephone pole was rammed through him.


Part 2 of this article is focusing on the other elemnt of kinesis power such as magnet, manipulation,electricity, human body,meditation and more..




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