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Is Paris on your Bucket List?

Have you ever wanted to go to Europe ?
Specifically, have you ever fantasized about traveling to Paris and visiting the Famous City of lights? 
We had the opportunity to visit this magnificent city in the winter time last year. I t was simply stunning. 
Paris draws you in and anywhere and everywhere you look there is a picture-taking opportunity.
The day we arrived there was no snow on the ground and the streets around the World famous Eiffel Tower were crowded with people walking up and down, mostly relaxing and taking pictures with each other and It in the background.
That Night, Snow covered Northern France.

We woke up the next morning with a Different city in front of us.
The streets seemed almost magical, and the air itself seemed slightly dusted with white specs as the last snow was touching down.
Even the sounds of Life were almost muffled just enough to make you feel cozy. 

This magical city has to be on everyone's Bucket list. We were lucky to see it all and to see it white.

Have you been there before?
Do you want to go?
Is it on YOUR bucket list?

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