Choose a Life-Changing Gift for a Child in Need
There is a lot of suffering and neglect in the world and we owe it to each other as human beings to be sensitive to the needs of people around us especially those who are vulnerable with no one to turn to. Children are especially vulnerable due to the age factor which exposes them to the whims of any older person. They also have no way of supporting their livelihood and cater for needs such as education and security. There are millions of children all over the world living in difficult circumstances with no promise of tomorrow. It is up to people like you to step up and adopt these children or choose a life-changing gift for a child in need.
What Gives Rise To The Need?
Children find themselves in vulnerable circumstances due to any of the many reasons in existence.
These causes include but are not restricted to:
- Abandonment by birth parents
- Being orphaned due to natural causes or terminal diseases such as AIDS
- Displacement due to civil conflict or war
- An inability by biological parents to support the child
- Being a victim of abuse of one form or the other.
Every child needs a loving family, a roof over their head, food, clothes, education and healthcare. These are basics which the rest of the world takes for granted while children in need go without any resorting sometimes to scavenging and other means which expose them to further abuse.
That is why a lot of individuals and organizations find it worthwhile to step in and make a difference in the lives of the children in need. Christian adoption agencies are at the forefront of the efforts as they house large numbers of these children in need in programs meant to take care of them while they wait for a family to adopt them.
You can also make a difference in the lives of these children by discussing the issue with your family and agreeing on the appropriate contribution to make. You can choose to adopt one or more of the children waiting for adoption or provide sponsorship to a child of your choice among many other things. If you are an artist or simply have some time to spare, you can volunteer for fund raising programs that are rolled out by the various organizations from time to time.