... I remember it, just like it was yesterday ...
Thumbing my way through
the campus newspaper,
looking for a diversion,
something different,
something away from the Quad,
away from the dorm,
away from the usual suspects,
tedium and boredom ...
Then, there it was!
Tucked into a lower corner,
only about a column inch,
the words that would send
any college student's heart racing:
Washington's 4-7
132 Laporte Ave
The gods had answered our prayers - Salvation by Suds!
Grabbing my roomie, we hopped on our bikes
(yes, even in those days of beer-goggles,
we knew better than to drink and drive!)
and pedaled straight to Old Towne
to quinch boredom, desire, and thrist!
It was only a quarter-to-four,
yet the line to get in
already spilled out the door.
That tiny little ad,
with only two important words
had spread like wildfire
to every freak, jock, and nerd!
We all had come hoping
to slake the drought,
but there were so many,
would the kegs even hold out?
As me and my roomie inched towards the door,
the Old Towne clock chimed, it was now four.
The bouncer checked IDs shoved in his face,
while patrons anxiously danced a jig in place.
Once inside ... euphoria became delusion
The free drinks failed to materialize.
We suddenly realized, it was all a big trick,
just slick marketing collusion.
Frosty mugs of cold brew were still a dollar.
A voice over the PA then began to hollar.
And soon, it all became clear ...
That afternoon's band was called