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The number one way to eat, and be healthy.

Have you ever felt confused about what to eat?

Well I know I have, with all those choices out there. Maybe to make it easier for us lets start back to where we should be looking for a healthier approach. Ever take a look at the animals in the wild on the discovery channel or even refer to the past history when Queens and Kings ruled the world? Maybe you should because they knew exactly what it takes to be healthy. Its not counting calories, or watching fat or carbohydrates. Instead its eating whole natural foods.

When you want to be healthy and live a long life, you need to think about the past and what nature has to offer. If you ever notice during the time when Kings and Queens ruled, there never were factories to process food or anything that couldn't last on the shelf for weeks or a few days. Instead they were eating whole foods grown on farms, from the wild and grass fed animals.

So why not start with enjoying food that you don't need to count ounces or grams, but enjoy as much as you love because nature was created for us to enjoy bite after bite. So finally I'd like to say, don't buy those cheap processed cookies when you can go for those delicious apples, or grass fed bison because healthier food is better payed for then given your money to a doctor later.

If you have any comments about eating healthy, please share below.
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