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An Update for my Redgage Friends

An update for all my readers and friends. Been back in Idaho 3 weeks now.  For those who do not know, I moved out of state and got married, and recently when we came back to visit we decided to stay.   We have been getting out a lot since my husband and I moved back here (I am originally from here but he is not).   We have seen the square and been to a lot of the shops, tried out food from a couple different restaurants, and just been having a fun adventure together.  What is interesting about this town is that there are not really any fast food joints, but a lot of actual restaurants.  Today, the town was hosting a relay event for a women’s shelter….and they took donations.  They had live music playing throughout the day, a raffle, and some good food (cinammon rolls and chili.)  I wish we had gone back for some hot chocolate though.  Anyway, that is all for today.  Will write more when I have more to write more as our adventures progress.     

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