Eat for Free for One Year
So the ground rules are, without lying, cheating or stealing, you must be able to eat at least one meal per day for free. I do not claim that the meal will be healthy or that it will be filling. Just that it will contain a recognizable edible component that many if not most people wouldn’t mind eating. Be sure to call or check out the latest before trying to cash in on any of these offers because things do change from time to time.
Now lets do some rough, Rough, ROUGH estimates on what it would take to forage for food on the internet. Let’s say that you did not want to fool around. You wanted to cut to the chase. Then the facts are these, one of the simplest ways to get food off the internet is to get free food samples mailed to your house. So let’s say you decided to live off of free samples. How many would you need to get three squares a day? Let’s say that full meal for you is three items. And that you eat three times per day. That’s nine items per day. Over the course of a year, let’s round up and say over the course of 400 days you need 3600 samples. Why do we round up? Lots of reasons. One is that you need to eat to live. When you are trying to forage for food broken hyperlinks, websites that won’t work, coupon clubs that say you take too many coupons, whatever, won’t feed a hungry stomach. You need to over estimate what you will need. 3600 might seem like a large number of samples if you were to pile them up all in one place but you could get those by hitting one free sample website per hour every day. Roughly speaking, you need only ten hours then to pull it off and you only “work” for this food once per hour. Again, I round up to ten because you must eat–eating is not a hobby–or you will die.
So free samples are how we are going to make the magic happen but that is not to say that we can’t play with our food as well. There is almost always at least one national food observance per week. On many weeks there are more than one. If you are electronically foraging for food, you had better know when it is national donut day. By the way, some establishments give out the smallest portions imaginable to “support” some national food observance. So go back to the internet, find all the establishments that are giving away free food close to you and hit them all up for the free goodies until you are full.
So always know what food holiday is being observed today and tomorrow. Search the internet for restaurants and stores that are giving away food to commemorate the holiday and go out and eat.
National Food Observances
Directory for holidays and celebrations
Birthday Meals
Register your birthday with Chik-Fil-A
140 places to use your birthday to eat
Birthday Freebies (some may not be food)
Free food just for being alive
Get shot at and get free food!
Free or discounted food for Veterans
National Donut Day
Remember to call first before showing up for your donut on donut day.
Free Samples
Free or Cheap Veggies
Free with Coupon
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Coupons, Free Samples, Whatever
Digital Diet