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Neem: A Gift of Nature

Common Names of Neem In Other Languages
Azad -darakhul-hind
Behasa Malaysia
Baypay, Dawoon-nambu
Nim, Neemgachh, Neem
Tamaka, Thin, Thinboro Tamakha, Bowtamaka, Tama, Tamabin
Neem, Indian Lilac, Margosa Tree, Nim, Crackjack, Paradise Tree, White Cedar, Chinaberry
Azadirac de L’ Inde, Margosier, Margousier
Grossblatettiger Zedrach, Indicter Zedrach
Limba, Limbado, Leemgo, Danu-jhada, Kohalu Limdo, Kohumba , Libado, Leemdo, Nimuri
Nim, Nimb, Bal-nimb, Neem , Nind
Bevinamara, bevu, Hebbevu, Kiri-bevu, Kai-bevu, Kadkevina-mara, Nimb, Olle, Val-venu, Venu, Vevu Kolnim
Madura (java)
Aryaveppu, Veppu, Aryaveshnu, Rajavedhu, Vepe
Kadukhajur, Limba, Limb, Ninbay, Bakayan, Balanti-limb, Bal-nimb, Likbacha-jhada, Kadu-limbam Nimuri
Kakopholo, Limbo, Nimbu, Nimo
Bakam Bukhain Drekh, Nim ,Neem, Mahaneem, Darkohha (fruit)
Azad Darakth e Hind, Neeb, Nib
Amargoseira, Margosa, Nimbo
Neem, Neemro
Arishta, Nimba, Nimbaka (there are numerous other names)
Nimmi, Nimuri, Limbo
Kohumba, Nimba
Aruhundi, Kaduppagi, Kaingi, Vembu Veppam, Nimbamu, Nim-Banu, Taruka, Veepachettu ,Vermpa
Nimbanuv, Vepa, Yeppa, Yapa, Yapachattu Taruka, Vemu
Bevu, Keybevu

Botanical Classification
Botanical Name: Azadirachta Indica, Family Name: Miliceae, English: Neem Tree, Margosa
Neem tree is an evergreen tree grows upto a height of 20 to 35 meter height. It has so strong life that it grows in desert areas. The leaves of Neem are very useful for human being. It can be used as a medicine. Many people in village areas use the leaves as medicine for curing the wounds commonly. The flowers appear from March to May. The flowers too used for eating purpose which immunizes the body system agains much common disease. Fruits are fleshy and yellowish in colour when ripe with a single-seeded drupe that is elliptic in shape. 
Medical Use of Neem Flower
Pharmaceutical Industry: Flowers are used to manufacture drugs and wound dressings. 
Food Industry: Neem flowers are used as condiments and for food flavoring. 
Cosmetic Industry: Used as an astringent and manufacturing facial creams.
Neem flower oil is used in aromatherapy as an effective essential oil, calming the mind and body. 
Benefit Against Bacteria Infections: Neem has been proved to be effective against multiple bacterial infections. Some of such bacteria include staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyogenes, cornebacterium, E. coli, and salmonella typhosa that cause such health problems as meningitis, cystitis, sore throats, typhoid, blood poisoning, food poisoning etc. 
Benefits against Viral Infections: Apart from safeguarding bacterial infections, it can also keep the human cells protected from various viruses. This prevents many viral infections. In fact, Ayurvedic medicines make use of Neem tea for treating many viral diseases including chickenpox, shingles, herpes, and hepatitis. In common viral conditions like cold and flu, Neem tea is generally used for getting relief.
Benefits against Fungal Infections: In most of the Asian countries, Neem leaves are burnt (sometime the smokes produced can be used for avoiding mosquito) and used to treat fungal infections. These include such fungi that cause Athlete's foot, ringworm, and Candida (causing vaginal yeast infections). The two compounds in Neem leaves- gedunin and nimbidol- very effectively control these fungi. 
Benefits against Parasite Infections: Parasites also treated very well by Neem leaves, the intestinal worms which causes some of the very painful health conditions can treated with regular consumption. Neem is also beneficial in fighting against the malaria parasite. There are two compounds of Neem leaves- gedunin, a limonoid and quercetin, a flavonoid-n that have been clinically established as an effective agent against malaria parasites.
Bugs Controlled by Neem Insecticides
Dried Neem leaves and Neem seed oil are traditionally used to protect stored foods as well as fabrics from insect damage.
In rural areas of some Asian countries like India and Bangladesh, the walls and floor of food storage area covered with a mixture of cow dung, clay and Neem oil to deter insect infestation in these areas.
A compound called azadirachtin is separated fromm Neem seeds that stop insects from feeding. This compound also prevents insects from growing properly and laying eggs.
Neem insecticides are effective against more than two hundred different types of insects including head lice, fleas, locusts and mosquitoes.
Organic Neem Products
Neem Leaves: Almost every part of Neem has one or other kind of benefit. With Neem leaves you can treat ulcers, eczema, boils and other skin diseases. Neem is effective contraceptive so not recommended if your are pregnant or want to conceive. 
Neem Oil: Neem oil is good for skin but do not consume it as harmful if ingested. Organic Neem oil is used in various cosmetics like soaps, shampoos, hand and body lotions and creams.
Neem Paste: Organic Neem paste can treat chickenpox as well as small pox. 
Neem as one of the Best Natural Mosquito Repellent
The Malaria Research Centre of Delhi, India in 1994 has performed a test on this theory. They took kerosene lamps with 1% Neem oil and burned the lamps in the living room from 6 PM to 6 AM. The protection against anopheles species was more than against culex. 
A study at a field station the Malaria Research Centre in Ranipur, Hardwar, India, in 1995 was conducted by a mix of 2% Neem oil mixed in coconut oil to check if it works like mosquito repellent or not. It was proved that it is a natural mosquito repellent and gave more protection against anophelines.
The Malaria Research Centre of Delhi, India in 1996 had done a field trial by burning kerosene lamps in villages containing 1% Neem oil from dusk to dawn in living rooms. It was then found that it has actually kept the mosquitoes away and incidents of malaria were also reduced to considerable number.
Best of Skin Care
Neem is a wonder herbal product. Since early times Neem is known for its wonderful properties and marvelous results on skin. It works as blood purifier and is very helpful in radicating toxins from the blood that is supposed to cause harm to the skin. Local application of Neem powder or Neem oil has miraculous results. It is a famous anti microbial herbal, it renders all the microorganisms inactive therefore helping in proper healing of wound without causing any infections and septic conditions.
Good results have been seen on skin problems like acne and blemishes. It helps in disinfecting the hair follicles and helps in eradicating the particle which is the main culprit in blocking the pore. Taking bath of Neem leaves socked water helps our body to counter mild infections, which our body might get in day-to-day activity.
Neem helps in early healing of burns and injuries that might also helps in fading of scars that are left after the any injury. Tropical application and internal use of Neem makes us relieved from eczema and even ringworms.
Neem is very helpful in providing internal glow to the skin by providing natural supplements that are required for good and healthy skin. Neem is extensively used in hair fall and early graying of hairs with very satisfying results. It also find its application in dandruff and in lice growth.
Neem is helpful in lighting dark circles which are usually caused due to life style disturbances.
There is n number of benefits of Neem which is never ending. I have just tried to cover just a little of it. I will bring out many more benefits of Neem in my next article to be published. So watch out for it and stay healthy.

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