Budsies - Make The Artwork of Your Child Come To Life!
Children love to show off their artwork to their parents and loved ones. Many children take great joy in bringing home the wonderful drawing that they worked on all day at school. Usually these heart warming works of art take a place of honor on the family wall, or the refrigerator in the kitchen. Sometimes these pictures are even hung up in the child's room so that they can look at it over and over again.
Just hanging the picture up somewhere in the house use to be the only thing that you could do with it, but now you can bring that artwork to life thanks to Budsies!
Turning your child's artwork into a plush toy of their very own is very easy to do. After you visit the Budsies website, you will be able to upload your child's artwork via email or as a picture taken with your cell phone. This is great since it means that you won't have to deal with a complicated scanner to transform your child's drawing into a digital image.
This is a great resource for adults as well. If you have a friend that is going away, you can use the Budsies website to make a special plush toy of yourself, your friend, or just about any other picture that you have.
This is also a great way to test out a plush toy idea without having to spend large amounts of money making a prototype of the toy, or doing it yourself. You can make as many, or as few as you wish. If you would like to learn more, you can check out the Budsies website right now!
Click Here For The Budsies Website.