Bats, Bat Soup, and Ebola Antibodies
Please, don't eat me, warns the WHO and The CDC!
Apparently, The New York Times reports that, "For the first time, scientists have found evidence of the African Ebola virus in Asian fruit bats, suggesting that the virus is far more widespread around the world than had been previously known."
While meat from wild animals such as fruit bats, rodents and forest antelopes has largely disappeared from market stalls in main towns such as Guéckédou in southern Guinea – the epicenter of the disease, and the capital Conakry following campaigns to avoid contamination, it is still being eaten in remote villages despite the risks."
Now, the good thing about knowing that Fruit Bats are a major source of Ebola is that their antibodies can help predict major outbreaks with continued monitoring and tests in Fruit Bat Populations.
More technical details of ongoing research efforts are available on the United States CDC website for those interested in statistics and deeper medical research details.
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