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6 Crucial Tips To Choosing The Right Data Centre

Many people choose to have their own server rather than using the servers from a hosting provider because they prefer to have more control over the way there websites and data are managed. Some of the bigger companies set up their service in house but a more popular option for a lot of companies is to use a data centre where many servers from different companies are stored. The advantage to this being that the costs of setting up a data centre in the first place can be rather high and adding to that the general maintenance and running costs as well.

Data Centre

When it comes to choosing a data centre to house your server or servers it's important to find a company which has strict measures against issues which could affect the smooth running of the equipment. It's also important to be able to have full access to the equipment whenever you need it. You also want to be able to expand and upgrade your data centre plan when you're company grows as you don't want to have to do relocate the servers at a later date.

In terms of finding the right data centre you only have to look online for data centre London to see the number of companies offering such services and I can tell you that there are quite a few. So in the next few paragraphs I will go over a few factors you need to take into account before deciding on a data centre that is right for you.

One of the first steps you should take is to compare prices between the different companies offering data centre services. This is just a question of looking on the internet as I just mentioned and making notes of what plans are offered and the types of features that go with it. If you have any doubts about what the difference features are and what they can do the best idea is to contact the company via phone or e-mail to asked a few questions. Once you have drawn up a shortlist of companies offering competitive prices and a decent service plan to go with it the next step is to look further into how good these companies actually are.

All decent data centre companies have excellent cooling systems as they are very important to keep all the equipment at the right temperature as any equipment that overheats will not function very well and could even breakdown altogether. So it is necessary to find out what systems they have in place so that you can feel rest assured that your equipment will run at an optimal rate.

Even in today's times we still get power shortages and power cuts happen from time to time and when this happens all electrical equipment stops working which is why it's also important that the data centre that you choose has a backup power source such as an in-house generator so that all servers remain online at all times.

Data centres should also have data storage backup facilities as well to help protect all the data on the servers. Check the data centre you're interested in has this facility.

Security is possibly one of the most important aspects of a data centre because you need to know that your equipment will stay safe and secure. All top line data centres take extra measures to ensure that this is the case with 24-hour security, video surveillance and alarm systems which link straight to the police.

You should also pick a data centre which is in fairly close proximity because you want to be able to have easy access without having to travel a great distance but it will make life much easier if you need to change or upgrade your own equipment. So it stands to reason that you don't want to pick a data centre UK -based company when you happen to live in say France or the United States. You also don't want to choose a data centre in Cornwall when your company is located at the other end of the country in Cumbria. This may sound obvious but it's surprising how may people forget this point when the making a shortlist of data centres to choose from.

The allocated bandwidth allowance and speed is also of paramount importance as you want to choose a data centre which offers as fast a service as possible with the ability to provide as much bandwidth as is needed. The last thing you want is to have a slow loading website that gets shut down due to too much traffic.

Now I touched on this slightly before but good customer support is a key element to all hosting plans whether they are for servers offered by the hosting provider or whether it's for support in regards to housing your own server in a data centre. Make sure that the company you choose has excellent support and also do some checking yourself to see what people have said about the company as this will be a good indicator of how good or bad the company is.

Once you thoroughly checked all the points above there is no reason why you shouldn't end up with a data centre that absolutely rocks.

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