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Oldest Religions known to Man


The oldest known religion in the whole world that is known to man is Hinduism. No one knows what the first religion was in the world. This religion is more than 50,000 years old. Animism is another religion that dates back for more than 50,000 years. Egyptian religion is also considered to be one of the oldest religions. It dates back to 3000 BCE. Many of the religions in this world are considered to be very ancient. Christianity, Judaism and Islam date back to 1800 BC. The oldest documented religion that is still practiced today is Paganism. Buddhism is another, as it dates back to 624 BC.

All religions have flaws. Many religions have failed to record facts accurately. Some people believe that there is no real oldest religion known to man, as the further history goes back the fuzzier it gets. Many people do believe that the oldest major religion is certainly Hinduism. Hinduism is still practiced today, especially in India. Today, Paganism and Animism are not practiced as widely as they were in history. Hinduism is also one of the most complex religions in the world known to man. Hindu religious texts are the oldest known written works on Earth, as well.

The real author of the Bible is God, and that makes the Bible also one of the oldest written works. The Bible was completed in 98 CE. 40 men were writers of the Bible in a period of 1,600 years, and that makes the Bible one harmonious Book. Judaism and Christianity both have roots in the Bible. Hinduism was born when the Aryan people migrated to Northern India. They were the first people to put their religious traditions in writing for all to see and learn. The Vedas were texts that these people created, and they were written about 1500 BCE.

Only two religions are known to dominate the world today, and they are Christianity and Islam. These two religions are relative newcomers to the world. Christianity begins with the teachings of Jesus Christ, and Islam begins with the prophet Muhammad's revelation. Christianity started around 30 CE. Islam started in 610 CE. It is even recorded in the Record Book Of Guinness that Hinduism is the oldest religion known to man. These findings are based on archeological finds and their written texts. While Hinduism is the oldest, there are many more religons that follow close behind.

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