The 5 Tribunals/The Two Identities
When I began this journey, I had no idea where it would lead. I thought that it would lead to more money, as monetary evidence seemed to be the guiding force behind aspiring to understand unlimited abundance.
Besides this, everything I had learned in my life was centered around money. However, this turned out not to be the case, as there are 2 quite different sets of value that define abundance. Which ever one an individual places their awareness on first is the one that will reveal itself as whole abundance or as fulfilling a temporary body need. If it is whole abundance, then it is serving the purpose of the Higher Identity. This is of the Spirit, and it is eternal. The other identity is an idol. This is the body. The body identity is obvious, as it is constantly looking for its 15 minutes of fame, or it looks for a way to fulfill a temporary monetary idol to sustain the body idol identity.
Breaking free of the idol body identity has proven to be the most difficult thing I have ever done during this life. For one thing, I really believed that my body identity was the real one, although I probably would not have admitted this to myself because I did not understand what this meant. This was because my body identity (idol) was the one that I had learned to focus on. This was the identity that taught me how to worship a false idol by attempting to gain the monetary reward that would sustain this unnatural worship of my body identity. I believed that the more money I could obtain, the greater value my body idol would have. So, when I began this journey, I was looking for money to prove my value, not only to myself but also to the world. Already I was on the wrong course, as my unconscious mind was pursuing what I believed to be the source of my real value.
Slowly I began to regain a whole Sense of Whole Self Value. With this, I began to see my Source as much greater than a temporary paper source that I was working hard to obtain with my body idol identity.
With this, I also began to understand my Inno-Sense. My Inno-Sense is the ability to lay a foundation of whole understanding for my Real Identity. This Inno-Sense was violated when I was a child when I attempted to explain or analyze a body experience that I was too young to logically assess. Once I explained to myself what this experience meant, I began to serve the body idol/identity. The truth was and is, this experience did not mean at all what I explained it to myself to mean. It was something entirely different.
Our Inno-Sense is very powerful, it that it is eternal. It belongs to the Spirit, not the body. Anytime that Inno-Sense begins to rely on a body/idol explanation, it will attach to the body idol, and begin to address any future experience as being like the first one. This is why we continue to repeat the past. It is not because we want to believe in idols, it is because our Inno-Sense has illogically assessed an experience that did not mean what we thought it did.
We all have learned to believe that the body idol is real. Along with this, we also believe that the monetary idol that serves the body idol is real as well. Our Real Identity is beyond the idols that we have made in our Inno-Sense.
There is way too much idol worship in this world. Because of this, we are no longer attached to our Real Identity. Our Real Identity is of the Spirit, and the Spirit is attached to the elements. These elements are the Real Nations that our Real Identity comes from. This is a Royal Identity that we must remember to abolish the body identity that has been imprisoned inside of an idol. This is the illusion that must be dealt with.