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Interesting Facts about Bolivia

15. The highest navigable lake in the world is found in Bolivia at 3810 meters above sea level (that's 12,382.5 feet above sea level).

14. Bolivia holds the record as one of the wettest countries in the world. The annual rainfall is over 5000mm. The climate varies with altitude. It ranges from humid and tropical to cold and semi-arid.

13. Bolivia highest point: Nevado Sajama 6,542 m.

12. There are about 10 million people that live in Bolivia and it’s in the middle of South America, landlocked, with borders of Brazil in the north and east, Paraguay in the southeast, Argentina in the south, Chile in the southwest, and Peru in the northwest.

11. Over 60% are below the poverty line.

10. Bolivia has 2 of the highest cities in the world. The highest is Potosi. The second highest is La Paz.

9. Bolivia is the highest and most isolated of the Latin American republics.

8. The largest deposit of salt on the planet is in Bolivia.

7. With a population of about 10.5 million people and its extension, Bolivia is one of the countries in Latin America with a lower density population.

6. The ancient civilization of the Tiahuanaco once walked the grounds of Bolivia. The only remains of their existence are some ruined temples and the carved stone known as "Gate of the Sun".

5. Soybeans are the major cash crop of Bolivia.

4. Bolivia contains 40% of ALL animal and plant life in the world (called biodiversity).

3. Lake Titicaca in Bolivia the highest and deepest navigable lake in the world.

2. Mamoré River is the Longest River in Bolivia.

1. The name Bolivia comes from a leader in the Spanish American wars of independence, Simon Bolivar, becoming official in 1825.


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