Interesting Facts about the Ocean
15. Around 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans.
14. 94 percent of life on Earth is aquatic.
13. 90% of all volcanic activity occurs in the oceans.
12. If you could evaporate all the water out of all the oceans and spread the resulting salt over the Earth ,you would have a 500 -ft layer covering everything!
11. The ocean ridges form a great mountain range, almost 40,000 miles (64,000 km) long, that weaves its way through all the major oceans. It is the largest single feature on Earth.
10. The five Oceans are: the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean ,the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean
9. The average depth of the oceans is about 3,720 m. To put in perspective, most people can’t dive below 3 m without hurting their ears from the water pressure.
8. For every species of marine life we know of, at least another three are yet to be discovered.
7. Eighty percent of all pollution in seas and oceans comes from land-based activities.
6. The largest known deep sea fish is the Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus, which grows to over 7m in length. However, it doesn't spend all its time in the deep sea. It also comes up to the surface to eat offal thrown overboard from fishing boats.
5. The world’s oceans contain enough water to fill a cube with edges over 1000 kilometres (621 miles) in length.
4. Fifty percent of the United States (in terms of our complete legal jurisdiction, which includes ocean territory) lies below the ocean.
3. The speed of sound in water is 1,435external link m/sec - nearly five times faster than the speed of sound in air.
2. The Pacific is the largest and deepest ocean in the world.
1. The average depth of the ocean is more than 2.5 miles.
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