Angel Wing Shawl - Bat Wing shawl
Over the years I have found crocheting to be my form of relaxation. I began learning as a small girl and have since grown to write my own patterns as well as follow others.
Some folks stay true to one type of thing they crochet such as afghans, doilies, sweaters, dishrags etc.. I'm not one of those. I like to try my hand at various things. If I can think of something that is needed I attempt to crochet it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. That includes following patterns.
When searching on the Internet for free patterns you come across all types. Some that are easy to follow and some I think might be sabotaged to make them impossible to follow. No matter what you do it doesn't work! It's all about trial and error.
A few years ago I was in need of a pattern to keep my mind busy. A friend's daughter needed/wanted a shawl for her Senior prom and asked if I could make one. This was also at the time my Mother was in her last stages of Cancer and had given up any more Chemo treatments. My daughter was going through a rough patch in her teenage years as well, borrowing my car in the middle of the night, among many other things. (Of course I didn't know!!)
There were a lot of things going on in my life and I got the feeling that I was on a speeding train with no way off. I needed something.