Happy employees = successful company?
People have tried various tactics when it comes to worker motivation. The second half of the 20th century has be filled with different experimental and cutting edge tactics or workforce management. Various approaches have been attempted but few of them have actually had results. When we take a realistic view of the situation, we can easily conclude that a happy employee is an ideal employee.
Studies have shown a definite rise in workers’ productivity in situations when they are satisfied with their workplace. In situations when the workers feel safe and comfortable, statistics show that they skip work less, are far more productive, they are willing to learn and adapt to changes and all that doesn’t come as too much of a hustle. All in all, if you like your job and you want to continue working for the company in question – you will have to make the effort to keep it functioning smoothly.
There are many factors that need to be satisfied when it comes to keeping your workers happy and I’m going to attempt to tell you how to manage some of the more important ones.
The “boss” factor
When you own a business, you are responsible for a lot of things, but you cannot let yourself get so overwhelmed by work that you forget to pay attention to your workers. Setting down the rules and regulations is also a big deal. This needs to be done with foresight and it has to be made transparent to all employees. The importance of this is reflected in the sense that everybody has a firm hold on the overall goal and the purpose of their own position in the whole plan. When you know why you are doing something and how it will influence the entire company, you are less likely to disregard your responsibility and feel gratification when you do a good job. Setting up clear and realistic goals will leave less room for confusion.
Rewarding good work
This doesn’t necessarily need to imply giving them bonuses. There are a lot of things you can do to reward a job well done. People who are more dedicated need to feel that you have noticed their effort and that you appreciate the extra energy they are putting in. In my opinion, it is probably best to publicly display their achievements and make sure that everybody knows how hard they are working and what results they have to show for it.
This is usually the breaking point between workers and their bosses. Unfairly low salaries, late salaries – all these are things that can turn a business into a war zone. If you own a business, it is crucial that you employ a professional accountant, according to the people from Acton Bookkeeping. They claim that the problem arises not only from not crunching the numbers right, but also from the fact that untrained accountants can’t see the signs of impending financial difficulties. Money needs to be an automated process when it comes to worker happiness. They need to be paid fairly, on time and they need to understand what they need to do in order to earn that money. This way, there is no confusion and money doesn’t even need to come up as an issue.
The workspace
First of all, your employees need to have access to all the tools (be they physical tools or software tools) that are necessary to perform the tasks their position includes. Nobody likes to be forced to find alternative ways of performing a tasks, which you find redundant just because you don’t have everything you need to do it right. This can kill the motivation of your employees and make them hate the job they previously loved. Making sure that everyone has enough room and personal space to perform their duties right is also an important issue. It can definitely influence the creation of bad blood between co-workers. There is a list of factors you need to satisfy in order to create a perfect working environment and they can vary from situation to situation, but here is the list of some of the most important ones:
Clean air and well ventilated rooms
Enough sunlight
Plants around the office
Reasonable workplace personalization
If you actually take the effort to create an environment in which everyone feels at ease and if you give them the necessary conditions in which they can do their job and be paid fairly on top if it all, you are going to see some great improvements in your bottom line. Basically, you want to create a desirable working atmosphere and make people want to come and work for you. Nobody is going to let a good thing go down and loyalty is always a good thing to have around the office. Keep them happy and they will put in quality work, make them miserable and they will just force themselves to work every day just to earn a couple of dollars.