"Informal beauties" - work by @hsnrgb Often looked down upon; informal settlements are, in fact, an extremely important element of the image of the city. They show the will of people to live despite the rules and the circumstances of a cruel world that has left them behind. They might also show the adaptation (though a poor one, yet it's something) to a certain kind of an accessible building technology. The very word "informal" is descriptive and deep. Pointing to a hidden potential of great beauty; an emergent visual identity that probably won't be mentioned in the history books. They are such an important meter to the times we live in the same way Capital A architecture is, except that the former is truly made "by the people, for the people." As ugly as people might find them, I find an abundance of intangible value looking at them, as beauty could not censor the stories that each brick has to tell. "Informal beauties" is a series investigating the nature of the word "beautiful" and its relation with the word "true"! Created using Midjourney. __________ #ArchitectureNow All materials presented on this site are Ⓒcopyrighted and owned by the creators listed above.
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