Health by Melon
Introduction :
The melon is related to the squash for botanists.
It is the fruit of the summer for its thirst quenching side.
It consists of seeds, water, sugar due to the sun and full of carotene!
I - What is the nutritional composition?
Calories: 30
Carbohydrates: 1.5 - 7 g
Proteins: 0.6 - 1 g
Fat: 0.1 - 0.2 g
Water: 92 - 95 g
Fibre: 1 g
Potassium: 320 mg
Sodium: 18 mg
Magnesium: 15mg
Vitamin A (beta-carotene): 2 mg
Vitamin C: 25 mg
II - Nutrition Explanations:
This fruit is ideal for dieting!
It is not energetic
It is also ideal for diabetics.
It is one of the most fruits provided vitamin A, carotene nominated, especially the orange-fleshed melons that are provided 20 times higher than the yellow and green melons. A half melon is more than enough for his daily intake of carotene. So very good for growth, healthy skin and vision.
It is by those many antioxidant vitamins as well as its many trace elements mineral salts, melon protects against cardiovascular diseases, anti-cancer and anti-aging. Vitamin C, another antioxidant, is secondary and strengthens the role of carotene. In a modest way, antioxidants such as vitamins B are all present!
Finally, the composition of melon is full of high potassium content, a low amount of sodium, eliminates toxins (diuretics)as well as its high fiber content for harmony of the intestinal transit (laxative).
Then we could explain the digestive difficulty of melon by its sulfur content! However, it is recommended for slimming diets.
The melon seeds are related with cucumber.
Let us summarize:
It is refreshing, diuretic with its water, and therefore very effective against rheumatism.
it is laxative due to its fibers.
It rejuvenates the tissues, it is very good for your eyesight, skin, against anemia with vitamin A.
It is excellent for children and teenagers to fight against anemia, but it is valid for all types of ages.
Due to its sugar, It is highly effective against lung infections.
III - Associations:
The melon may be associated with fruits giving thick juice such as banana, apricot or mango. For other watery fruits such as orange, grapefruit, pineapple or watermelon.
Otherwise with some vegetables like cucumber and carrot.
IV - How to choose a melon?
It should be heavy. He must buy firm to the touch of your fingers, and not soft.
It must be very perfumed the opposite of the tail. This area should be round and wide. This halo is a sign of female melon. Researches have found a gene that have male flowers and female flowers.
Finally, the tail of end (Pécou - stem) should come off easily for round melons, but this information is not valavble for all melons. A good smooth or cantaloupe melon slices must be 10 and not a lower number. Melons that have nine slices are less good. The color of the slices should be green to a blue trend. (take a look at the picture below)
Picked earlier, it ceases to ripen.
Avoid shock, because they kill the melon.
Avoid to store in the refrigerator to avoid spreading the smell on all the food, otherwise put it in a paper plastic or in a fresh cellar.
Latest information, if the melon is not enough sweet, it will taste that resembles the cucumber, which is why it is ranked among the marrows.
V - The varieties of melons
There are about 650 varieties of the following:
- Round with green bark and orange flesh, cantaloupe as Charentais, robins are grown in Charente and Toulouse in France.
- Honeydew melon with smooth bark, and green or pastel green flesh cantaloupe melon (Muskmelon) :
- yellow melon called winter melon
- Oval and green melons
VI - Recipe :
Melon Salad :
Photos of melon Salad :

VII - Source Books :
I'm helping myself by reading/consulting these books which are written in french (sorry!)
► Dictionnaire de diététique et de nutrition de Dr Pierre Dukan
► La santé par les fruits et légumes de Véronique Liégeois
► Se soigner par les légumes, les fruits et les céréales du Dr Jean Valnet
► L'abécédaire des fruits et des légumes de Raymond Dextreit
► Votre santé par les jus frais de légumes de Dr Norman W. Walker
► Wikipedia english and french
Have a nice day
The best for you
NOTE : Photo(s) and content are original and may not be used without permission - Christophe Leroy - alias cleroy61 - Copyright 2013 - All rights reserved.