Recipe : Make special fries
Ok, It's very different than my last recipe about Healthy Food, it's totally the opposite but it is so good that I can not resist. I want make fries but with a special recipe. To cook the potatoes, I always use olive oil, I buy olive oil a low-end between 3 and 3.5 € per liter. Even with olive oil a low-end, your fries will be best. So let's share ingredients with you!
- potatoes (monalisa variety)
- parsley
- shallot
- garlic
- anise seeds
- Olive oil
- Cider vinegar or other
- Shoyu
- Massalé
1 - Set fire to the height of the stove for 1-2 minutes then reduce the heat for 30 seconds.
2 - Cut potatoes into thin slices
3 - Cover with a plate for 3-5 minutes. Check they browned slightly
4 - Then drip fries from olive oil
5 - In a plate or a bowl, put fries
6 - Add garlic fine
7 - Add Olive Oil, Vinegar Cider, Shoyu
8 - Add Massalé (or other like curry) ; Recipe here :
9 - Add anise seeds
Bigger Alternative captures :
Second Directions :
It's the same but I add differents ingredients
5 - In a plate or a bowl, put fries
6 - Add shallot cut fine
7 - Add parsley cut fine
8 - Add Olive Oil, Vinegar Cider, Shoyu
9 - Add Massalé (or other like curry) ; Recipe here :
10 - Add anise seeds
IMPORTANT NOTE : Don't add salt !
Bigger Alternative captures :
That's all !!
But as it is not very good for your health, I suggest you go back on my dietetic recipes :
Endives Salad :
Avocado Fresh Salad :
Fresh Salad in Spring :
Bon appetit
NOTE : Photo(s) and content are original and may not be used without permission - Christophe Leroy - alias cleroy61 - Copyright 2013 - All rights reserved.